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How do they show love?

How do they show love?

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I'll say it. Nightmare sucks at love (because he can't feel love, but shhhh this is a fanfiction). Definitely not a fan of physical contact, however might hold hands with his S/O at most in public.

He doesn't like to seem vulnerable around anyone who isn't his lover. While he does like some intimacy, he isn't the biggest fan of it.

If he does get in the mood, he is passionate and teasing, often leaving his S/O wanting more.

However Nightmare prefers gifts and speech rather than physical contact. But he won't complain if he does get some kisses, hugs or hand holding.


Oh, Error...

He has Haphephobia, so he isn't really keen with physical contact. While Error would think of things he could do with his S/O if it wasn't for his phobia, he can't bring himself to deal with the treatment.

So, he loves to shower his S/O with compliments or hand crafted gifts. Unlike Nightmare, he really doesn't want any physical contact with his S/O.

He doesn't show any love in public, often lightly insulting his S/O at the start of the relationship. Later, he starts to regret it so he tries to act more lovingly.

And then everyone knows his S/O and him are dating because he can't help but feel guilty and protective of them.


While he does love physical contact seeing as he was mostly alone and had to kill people he loved. He does need to be held sometimes.

Dust thinks it would be uncomfortable for his S/O to hug him because of the dust, however his clothes can always be washed.

He is a little awkward with his speech, so he does like giving his S/O some gifts. Typically the gifts he would give his S/O are something that is meaningful for him. Like, maybe he will try to make spaghetti that Papyrus really liked to do.

Dust isn't great with speech like I said. He prefers to show his actions rather than speak. Dust loves moments where he cuddles with his S/O in silence.


Horror really loves to give his S/O bloody gifts! Haha, just a joke... Is it though?

He's not good at speech or physical contact, so gifts it is!

Considering how he looks, Horror doubts that his S/O would want lots of physical contact from him, especially if he's bloody. He doesn't mind if he gets it or he doesn't. He's really keen on letting his S/O being the leading one unless they are somehow making love.

His speech can be quite creepy. "I would love to hold and own your heart.". And he isn't that good at flirting.

His gifts can be disturbing or really sweet, no in-between.


Killer is okay with anything. He shows his love through his actions, but he also loves to woo his S/O with words.

"Your clothes look sweet, they would look better on the ground though."

His gifts are either him killing someone for his S/O or Killer giving them something sweet.

Killer loves physical contact, but is okay if his S/O doesn't like it that much. He will just use words to sneak into their heart.

Unlike Dust, he loves talking to his S/O and hearing their voice nonstop. He just doesn't like silence that much when there is someone with a lovely voice.


Cross doesn't necessarily like physical contact nor gifts. He isn't good at anything when it comes to love.

Cross shows his love to his S/O by protecting them and being sweet to them. While he does know how to woo someone through words, he likes to keep silent and listen to his S/O ramble about their day.

He likes to straight up tell his S/O "I love you" rather than tell it with a romantic line. He's a simple skeleton.


Dream is okay with anything just like Killer, but unlike him he's not that good at them. He stumbles over his words when he tries to be romantic.

When he tries to kiss his S/O he accidentally hits them. When he tries to gift his S/O he trips and break the gift.

He's pretty clumsy as you can see. Dream likes to hear about their S/O's day and experiences. He's really talkative too!

While he may not be good at being a romantic, he sure does nail the job at being a cutie!


Ink, Ink the protector of AU's and someone who isn't able to feel anything becomes in love with his S/O.

Ink has a need to make his S/O pampered and satisfied so they wouldn't leave him with a shattered heart he never experienced.

He gives them gifts, physical contact and tries to woo them with words. It works like a charm.

He likes silence, but he won't say no to his
S/O's rambling.


Blue is an energetic and magnificent skeleton! Of course he would give his S/O lots of physical contact and gifts.

He's not great with words, but he's great with other things! His gifts are sweet like honey and his cuddles are always warm and full of love.

Definitely asked Papyrus to help him with some lines to woo his S/O.


Red is from an AU where everyone is horrible to each other. He isn't great with anything, but tries to improve.

Red loves physical contact, but not in public! He would die if someone would see him with his S/O, especially if it was his Boss...

Has a way with words, kind of.


Now, Lust is all for physical contact! He's great with everything, but does things he knows his S/O will love.

Lust knows that consent is the first thing to ask for before doing anything weird or lewd. He always asks for permission whenever he wants to kiss his S/O!

Many think he's lewd and all, but he's pretty sweet outside the bedroom! His gifts are also kinky, but can also be very sweet.

His words, oh his words! They are really romantic and hit his S/O in their heart.

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