Swad!Dream x Nightmare x DS!Dream

116 3 4

Warnings: swearing and yeah, nothing else other than Solar stealing a candy bar

Type: Romantic fluff

Words: 1,1k

You could say this is Halloween themed I guess, but I still might as well just publish two oneshots because why not?


"Don't tell me that you're serious.." Delusion says as he looks at Nightmare holding their dog with a smug smile. "No, we are not getting another one." Delusion adds as he sees the look in Nightmares nonexistent eye.

"Oh come on!" Nightmare crosses his arms as he looks away with a pout, it wouldn't hurt to have another dog, would it? "But she's so lonely." Nightmare gives a good reason as to why they should get another dog. Too bad that Nightmare spends most of his time in the house.

"You're... You're literally in the house like most of the day."

"Look, I still think it's a good idea to get another dog."

"We have a kid."

"And?" Delusion sighs as Nightmare responds with a grin, knowing that Delusion couldn't decline Nightmare. "Dogs are good for your health, not my fault you're scared of them." Nightmare finishes talking as if the conversation was over and that Nightmare won.

But Delusion didn't want to agree on another dog. Nightmare isn't an energetic person, although Solar is one, so he wouldn't really go out with the dogs. Delusion is mostly busy and doesn't really want to spend time with the dog because of his 'little' fear of them.

"Nightmare..." Delusion looks at Nightmare, it wouldn't be a good idea to get a dog, not now atleast. "We can get a dog once our kid is a little bit older, alright?" Delusion asks, it's not the best idea to take care of two dogs and a kid.


As Nightmare responded, the door flung open revealing Solar and their kid. They basically radiated positivity, and even if Nightmare wouldn't be able to feel their emotions, it would be obvious due to their faces.

"Mama, can we go trick or treating?" The kid runs up to Nightmare and tugs on his shirt with with excited expression. It would be a war crime if Nightmare didn't allow them to go. Besides, Nightmare would love to scare the shit out of kids and some other people.

"What are you going to be dressed as?" Nightmare asks as he crouches in front of their child, he was eager to know about their costume ideas.

Halloween is one of Nightmares favorite holidays, mostly because you can get candy for scaring others and that's fun, for Nightmare atleast.

"As you!" They happily say with a grin. "You're the scariest monster I know." Ouch, that hurt. Although... It is true, Nightmare can't disagree that he's kind of 'the scariest monster'. Nightmare just took it as a compliment.

"Aw, well..." Nightmare trails off as he looks away from his kid, he didn't know how to respond to that awesome compliment they gave him. "That's cute, I guess." Nightmare finally says something after a minute.

"Damn, they just insulted you and..." Solar can't help but laugh as he stares at the two people he loves, he does like Delusion but he isn't the main focus right now.

"Shut up." Nightmare glances at Solar before he looks back at the child in front of him. "Well, I have to allow you to go after that... sweet compliment." Nightmare forces himself to smile, it wasn't a good compliment.

"Hell yeah!"

What was that?

"Excuse me?" Nightmare crossed his arms as he looks at their kid with a disappointed stare, sure, Nightmare knows that he can curse quite a lot, but that's no excuse for them since Nightmare doesn't swear anywhere near them.

Actually, Nightmare doesn't really think that 'hell' is a swear, but whatever.

"Uh, oh..."

The night was still young, although Nightmare definitely wouldn't want his kid to stay up late. Sleep is important, especially at a young age.

"Alright, we're leaving in like 5 minutes." Nightmare says, causing their kid groan. "I don't want to hear you complain." Nightmare adds as he sees the look in his kids eyelights, I don't know how but just go with it.

"But mama—"

"No, you heard Nightmare." Delusion interrupts their kid from complaining or trying to negotiate to stay outside even longer. "You need sleep, unfortunately." Delusion rolls his eyelights as he sees their kid cross their arms and pout.

Just what are they going to do with this stubborn kid...

Their kid looked at Solar, who was currently eating a candy bar, with a sad expression. Solar looked at Delusion and Nightmare, yeah he couldn't help his kid unfortunately. Sure, Solar could do that, but he doesn't feel like getting a death glare from both of them.

"Yeah, Nightmare and Delusion are right."

"That's not fair!"

"Life isn't fair, kid." Solar responds as he continues to eat his candy bar, which he kind of stole from another kid. Look, no one felt like giving him candy okay? Solar needed to get candy somehow.

Their kids attention went to the black cat that had the audacity to walk by them, not caring about their loud conversation. Nightmare slightly smiled at the cat, who seemed to not care about anything.

Just like Nightmare.

Well, Nightmare does care about Delusion, Solar and their kid. Although Dream could go die, or maybe not. Nightmare doesn't feel like dealing with the upset Error, who definitely wouldn't leave Nightmare even for a second without saying how kind Dream was.

Yeah, Nightmare wouldn't be able to take it.

"That's a nice cat." Solar comments as he finishes eating the candy bar. Solar looks around, trying to spot a trash can, but ultimately there wasn't one around. "Yo Delusion, catch!" Solar yelled with a grin as he threw the wrapper towards Delusion.

Solar needs to learn that Delusion isn't a trash can. Or atleast get glasses.

Nightmare sighs as he looks at the two. They seriously can't get any dumber, can they? Well, knowing them, yeah.

"Solar, you need glasses." Delusion says as he picks up the wrapper. "Besides, littering is a crime." Delusion adds as he walks up to a trash can that Solar somehow didn't see and throws the wrapper there.

"I don't care."

"I will make you care then."


"Let's just go home.." Nightmare says before their 'playful' argument could lead to something worse.

And so, Nightmare grabs their kids hand and starts to walk home, not necessarily caring whether Solar and Delusion are following since they should find their way home.

Well, they should.

Nightmare hopes that these two dumbasses won't get lost, but they probably will.

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