Dream x Flirty!Reader

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Dance in the rain

Warnings: swearing, cheesy pick up lines, suggestive themes (but no NSFW)

Type: Romantic fluff

Words: 1,4k


"You're a dumbass." Dream comments as you two play chess, it was true, you sucked at chess. Dream already won, like, a million times! And you're a nerd, you thought. You smiled as an imagine of Dream in glasses came across your head, he definitely would look great in glasses.

"I'm only going easy on you because you're too cute to lose." you wink at Dream as he looks away from the board, perfect! You then knock over his king and giggle as he groans at your antics. You put your hands up in defense.
"I won fair and square! Not my fault ya nerdy self looked away."

"I'm not a nerd." Dream stutters out with a yellow hue on his cheekbones. He then points at you with an annoyed expression. "You're a cheater! Chess shouldn't be played like this. Ugh, let's just go do something else."

"Look at that adorable face of yours! I really like your blush colour." you smile with eagerness and excitement as a plan forms in your head to make sure you will see that face again. Dream rolled his pupils at your face, so annoying.

"Thanks," Dream looks at the sky and frowns as he sees the blazing sun covered by dark clouds. "It seems to rain soon. How about we go to your house?"

"Damn, take me to dinner first honey." you giggle as his expression changes into a more flustered one. You stand up and start to walk towards your house, not up to wait for that nerd to bore you to death.

"Hey! I seriously am starting to hate you, just so you know." Dream quickly catches up to your laughing figure as he gently smacks the back of your head with the chess board. "That's payback."

"Soon enough you'll love me so much you won't want me to leave for a second." you grin as you put your hands on your hips, feeling quite victorious. Dream visited you once a year, not actually but it felt like it, so you weren't keen on wasting this time with him doing nothing.

"Stop daydreaming and focus on looking ahead of yourself, I don't want you to look like an idiot." Dream rolls his pupils with a small smirk as you bump into a pole. "Told you."

You groan as you massage your forehead, it hurt like hell. Thankfully you were really close to your home. You feel little drops of water on your shoulder and hand as you realize that it's starting to rain. You quickly take Dreams hand and bolt to your house, making it in time before the rain got worse.

"Payback." your teasing tone made Dream groan and playfully punch your shoulder. You watch as it rains harder with a grin as you realize one thing. Dancing in the rain does sound pretty romantic, doesn't it? Presenting your idea to Dream made him shake his head and look at you with disappointment.

"I don't want you to get sick." Dream makes a smart point but you shake his worries off with a good old "I rarely get sick doing this". Seeing his reluctance you kidnap him into the rain as he shrieks a bit.

'Everytime I look into your eyes, or the lack of eyes, I see a very kind soul. But are you kind in bed?" you giggle as Dream looks away with a blush, if he's going to be this adorable you won't quit it, like at all. Who cares about Nightmare? Actually you should, but maybe later.

"Hey! You're going to be sick because of me, I'm going to be feeling really guilty." Dream tries to persuade you to enter your warm and cozy home, but you didn't feel like it. As you caress his cheek bone you open your mouth to say yet another cheesy pick up line.

"If I have you next to me, I won't get sick any time soon sweetie. Honestly I'm thinking about going to movies, but then realize that I can't bring in my own snack." you bite your lip provocatively as you rest your head on Dreams shoulder. Your arm hugging his waist as you brought him close to you. You and Dream actually have a safe word because you both are very affectionate to your friends, the safe word is "banana". You think it's a pretty good one!

"Geez, you should stop being cheesy. I highly doubt that its me who's cute." Dream tries to flirt back, but fails horribly. He nervously giggles as he glances over to your head, softly touching your hair. It looked like a scene in a low budget romance movie.

"Haha, I think of myself as sexy. But you're cute. Like in a kitten way, I love cats. Kittens are so adorable, I think I should get one. Do you want to go out with me sometime, maybe we both will get my new kitty." Dream smiled as you rambled on and on about cats and kittens. He was slowly calming down, thankfully. A date with you? Dream would love to! Dream wanted to kill himself after he realized he could have just teleported you into your house, so he did it now.

"Sure, just not right now. Nightmare is doing a lot of ruckus lately."

"Sweet, just like you, are you going to leave now, kitten?" Dream took a step back as his new nickname left your mouth. Not this again. You only giggled at his behavior, knowing full well what was going to happen.

"You can call me anything but that, please."

"Fine, hmm..." you thought about some good nicknames for Dream. "Got it, see ya later in my bed honey."

"No." Dream uttered out as he glanced away, trying to make the conversation go into a different way. "What do you think of... tea? Personally I like it, but it's not my cup of tea to drink it every day."

"See? You're just like me, being all cheesy. Tea is okay, but I would like tea see you in my bed." you wink at Dreams amused face, he had to like puns right? He is a Sans after all, most of the Sanses you talked to were ecstatic to exchange puns.

"Sorry to burst your bubble, but I am not cheesy. And please stop with the flirting and suggestive speech."

"Never! You can't make me stop, unless..." the face of an angered Dream is horribly terrifying to see so you quickly added. "Just kidding!"

"You better. Now, since you stupidly ran off into the rain go get some rest." Dream rolls his pupils at your frowning face, knowing full well that you aren't going to go get rest, at all. If anything you will go back into the rain, you're really stupid. But he loves you for that.

You look out the window, noticing how short the rain was due to the sky that was slowly but surely clearing out the rainy clouds. The blazing sun will soon resurface and have you die because of the heat.

"Fine... just stay with me." you exclaim as you lay down on the couch looking up at the celling, you hope that you won't see any spiders up there. Dream giggles as he lays down on the floor next to the couch, his pupils looking at you with love and care. "You don't have to stare me down while I try to go to sleep, it's kind of uncomfortable."

"Oh, I see! Sorry for making you feel like that. Is it okay if I turn on the TV? I don't want to feel bored, but I don't know if it will make you have a hard time falling asleep." Dream was a nervous wreck as always, constantly needing reassuring that whatever he's doing is fine. Sometimes he's hot, but other times he's just adorable.

You didn't feel like responding, a wave of fatigue hits you as you lightly nod. You preferred to sleep while listening to something, it's nothing weird or anything, right? You hoped so atleast.

"Well, good night dear." the sweet voice of Dream lulled you to sleep after a few minutes. Not literally though.

Your dream was probably something really nice, Dream wouldn't want you to have nightmares. Though, the dreams you get are questionable. If riding a unicorn while fighting evil dragon Nightmare and then kissing Dream, who was a princess by the way, isn't weird then you're the problem (jk).

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