Shattered!Dream x Blue

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Warnings: gaslighting, unhealthy relationship, guilt tripping, forced relationship, Shattered is an asshole and I hope a raccoon kills him or smth

Type: Romantic angst

Words: 3,5k

Oh boy, this will be a ride, so prepare. I don't really see much DreamxBlue, unless I'm blind because that's possible, so here I am giving some DreamxBlue content.

Enjoy with a little bit of bitterness added!

(That bitterness being Shattered!Dream rather than the normal one, while it also could be the angst and the terrible relationship they have)


Blue leaned on the wall trying to catch his breath, although he is athletic, having to run for a long time will exhaust anyone, even a monster like him!

"...Fuck..." Blue muttered as he slid down the wall onto the cold grass. He was currently running away, from what? He didn't even know, all he knew was to run and not look back. He needs to inform Dream! Dream definitely will help out, if not do everything.

Blue really likes having Dream as a friend, he was helpful and kind.

But first, Blue needed to somehow contact him and that's a challenge since Blue can't open portals. Blue sighed and put his face into his hands, he wasn't sure what to do.

Dream will probably sense his negative emotions and surely arrive soon, Blue hopes for that. Dream did arrive as soon as possible whenever Blue was feeling terrible, so, this shouldn't be an exception.

Maybe Blue could somehow contact Ink? Ah, no, it's going to be a waste of time. Blue is sure that he even forgot what Ink said to do.

Blues AU was a peaceful one, maybe Alphys or the Queen could be seen as the least peaceful ones, there wasn't much on the danger side. However, once in a while Nightmare and his... mindless pawns, atleast that's how Blue viewed them, would attack for no reason other than try to torment Blue or the people living here.

Blue hated it, Blue didn't like seeing the chaos, the aggression. But there wasn't much he could do, especially with a brother that Blue cared about.

The skeleton wasn't even sure if he was running away from Nightmare or someone else that was close to Nightmare, or maybe it was someone completely unrelated to them.

It was a possibility, Blue didn't want to exclude it.

"Dream..." Blue muttered as he frantically looked around, he wasn't happy with the fact that people are dying at the moment while he is hiding like a coward. Where was Paps anyways? "Where are you when we need you?" Blue got up, it was hard to do so due to the pain in his legs. Blue shouldn't have ran that much, but he didn't have any other choice.

Before Blue could do anything, he fell due to someone tackling him.


"Aw, look at you!" The obnoxious voice of the person that Blue hated with his soul broke through the calming, yet alarming silence. "Hiding like the fucking coward you are." Killer pinned Blue down on the ground to ensure that Blue wouldn't get up even if he tried.

"Get off!" Blue shouted as he hit Killer to try and get him off, but to no avail. Blue didn't want to die yet. Dream needs to hurry up! People need help and... if Blue has to, then he can stall Killer and maybe others for a little bit longer so that the others could survive.

Blue doesn't mind making such a sacrifice.

"Geez, stop being pathetic and actually fight back." Killer mocks Blue as he grins at Blues stupid and somewhat pathetic attempts at fighting back.

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