Abusive!Nightmare x Snarky!Blue

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Just a nightmare.

Warnings: swearing, mentions of abuse (duh), angry Stretch

Type: Romantic angst

Words: 1,4k

It didn't turn out the way I wanted it to be, but I'm unmotivated to start over lol.


Today was like any other day. Blue was staring off into the darkness and hugged his knees. His clothes tattered due to how angry Nightmare was these days. Blue could only hope that Dream or even Ink would come and take him away from this place.

But he knew better than to hope. His hope was already shattered and would never resurface.

But, he's the magnificent Sans! Or Blue. He won't give up even if he knows it's fruitless! Stretch is waiting for him and definitely is very worried about him, he can't give up now. If he would then Blue doubts he would be a good royal knight.

With the new found strength Blue stood up, leaning on the wall as he looked around the room he was in.

Due to the darkness he wasn't able to see a lot, but he managed to notice dust everywhere. Blue should've expected this.

The skeleton jumped as he heard footsteps approaching the room he was in. The least they could do was provide a light source, guess they didn't want him to fight like before.

"heya kiddo." the familiar voice of Horror rings throughout the cell as the figure turned on the light. There was a... light switch..? Blue wanted to facepalm, but it wasn't appropriate in this situation. "boss seems furious 'bout somethin'. wonder if it's you whose fault it is."

Nightmare is always furious. Blue should have known that, but his kind soul wanted to be the one to help him. Guess Blue should have listened to Dreams and Stretchs advice. Stupid Blue.

"He's always furious, doubt that today is any different." Blue glared at the chuckling figure of the enemy that was once his friend. Why did he turn to Nightmare? Blue will never know.

"ya better watch yer mouth. boss doesn't like when you talk behind his back, does he now." Horror grinned at the annoyed expression on Blues face, sure, they were friends. Horror will never regret his decision of joining Nightmare. Atleast his brother wasn't miserable anymore.

"Soo, you're going to tell him." the fearless voice of Blue made Horror roll his pupil, unsatisfied that Blue didnt even flinch at the mention of Nightmares name like before. How sad.

"yah, what else do ya expect. shouldn't have been a stupid brat, maybe then ya would've been at home with Stretch." Horror comments on Blues endless tries to get Nightmare on the 'good' side. He never learns.

"Don't even mention my brother. I understand why you joined Nightmare but I still think you're full of shit." Blue remarks while still leaning on the wall for support. Nightmare is furious nowadays, and Blue happens to be his 'reliever'. How amazing.

"guess ya didn't understand my warning."

"Oh no! Are you going to snitch to Nightmare? I'm sooo scared." Blue puts his gloved hand on his chest. Once he's finished talking he giggles as he sees the annoyance in Horrors face.

"i would LOVE to have some fun with ya, but i doubt boss would like that." Horrors dilated pupil made anyone shiver in fear. But Blue stared at him knowing that he can't do anything to Blue otherwise Nightmare won't be so satisfied.

"Aw, did I shatter your little ego? Scram you back stabbing 'friend'." Blue made it clear that he wasn't happy with Horrors presence, it's normal though. Blue thought that Horror was a good friend, that he had common sense but apparently he lacks it too.

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