Swad!Dream x Nightmare x DS!Dream

118 3 2

Warnings: none other than swearing ofc,

Type: Romantic fluff

Words: 1,6k


Nightmare was sitting at his desk, coffee and some papers on the desk as he held a pen. It's nothing unusual to see Nightmare working on something, it's very common in fact. Nightmare had Solars coat on as it was quite cold and Nightmare didn't feel like changing, especially when he finally was sitting in a comfortable position. The coat was in Nightmares reach, so why wouldn't he put it on?

It was a pleasant morning, no loud screaming from the kids outside. They are not being murdered, thankfully. Apparently they just like to shout until their earbuds explode, atleast that's how it feels like.

Nightmare doesn't care, he just wants some peace and quiet. But sometimes it's just impossible to relax with all of the loud noises outside, however Nightmare makes it work. Somehow.

In a few minutes Nightmare was supposed to go and pick up their kid from kindergarten, which is exciting. Although it's not the greatest for the kids to see Nightmare as he is... well, a nightmare.

But oh well, he looks fabulous anyways. Nightmare won't let some brats change that, no way.

Nightmare should start to get ready to go pick them up from the kindergarten, but it's not nice leaving your comfortable spot. Nightmare stands up with a sigh, there's no need to act lazy. His outfit was okay, all he needed to do is wear a jacket or something warm. He did have Solars coat on him, so he might as well just go out with it.

Nightmare looked at the clock in his room, he still had a few more minutes before he would need to leave. However it wouldn't hurt to be there early, right? Nightmare leaves his room and goes straight to the front door.

Delusion was probably somewhere with Ink, Nightmare doesn't really mind Ink. Nightmare doesn't need to worry his mind with whether Ink likes Dream, since Ink can't really feel.

"Can I go with you?" Solar said as he approached Nightmare with a smile, although Solar did want to go into Nightmares room, it didn't feel nice since Nightmare did want to be left alone. After seeing Nightmare shaking his head, Solar frowned. "Oh come on, I know that today you're supposed to pick them up but.. It wouldn't hurt to go together, right?" Solar added as he tried to convince Nightmare to go together.


Solar sighed as he put a hand on his chest, where his heart would be if he had one. Nightmare rolled his pupils at his dramatic partner, yet he couldn't help but laugh.

"Fine." Nightmare opens the front door only to be hit by a gust of cold wind. This is why he didn't like Autumn, but he gets the excuse of staying home and drinking some tea or coffee.

"The weather is shit." Solar says as he stares outside with a frown, atleast he isn't lying or trying to seem positive unlike someone... Nightmare didn't want to go out, although he knows their kid they will want to go to the playground and play with some of their friends even if there's a hurricane or something.

"No need to tell me that."

Nightmare goes out and tells Solar not to forget to lock the door, there were multiple occasions where Solar forgot to do so. They don't live in a bad neighborhood, but it's better to be safe than sorry.

Besides, who would even want to steal or do anything to their dog? The same dog that Delusion still doesn't like, or perhaps you could say he's afraid of them.


On the way to kindergarten, Solar and Nightmare talked for a bit. Sometimes mentioning their surroundings "That tree looks miserable." or talking about unrelated stuff.

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