Ink x Reader

277 7 14


Warnings: swearing, 'cheating' (not really), asshole Ink

Type: Romantic bittersweet

Words: 3k

After this I may be unactive for a few weeks, sorry for that.


Your day was miserable. Actually the whole fucking month was horrible! Recently Ink was paying more attention to his 'work', now that wouldn't bother you if he wasn't pretending that you weren't even here! There's a line and he has went way past it.

It took you a lot of willpower not to leave him this week, you tried to be understanding but it didn't work out. Ink only smiled and said that he needed to go because Error is currently destroying an AU. Sure, protecting AU's is a very important job and all, but atleast pay some attention to your partner!

Okay, okay. You need to calm down and take a breath in and out. You were alone in the house you shared with Ink, in the living room to be exact. You groaned as your thoughts still went to Ink. You really were furious, but nobody can blame you for that.

You needed to talk to Ink about this but he's nowhere to be seen. Is he purposely avoiding you? You wonder if you did something to upset him, but Ink would always tell you if you did that. So that's definitely not the case. He's... probably just putting work over you.

You don't want to seem clingy or anything! The least Ink could do is give you a nice gift, maybe then you would forgive him. However, you wouldn't forget about all of this. You highly doubt that he would even come back any time soon.

With crossed arms you decide to read a book. Rolling your eyes whenever you saw a romantic scene, would be amazing if Ink ever tried to do contribute something into this relationship.

A blue string wraps around your ankle before harshly shoving you into a portal. How amazing, you really needed this.

Ink sighed, another day spent protecting the universes, Errors been restless nowadays. He wishes that he can spend time with his partner, but it's not exactly his fault, right?

Actually, he didn't visit his lover for... a very long time. Ink wondered how were they doing, with a smirk he thought about how much they missed him. They probably are patiently waiting for him! The whole relationship was a ride to Ink, everything was new and weird but pleasant.

Ink was going to see them after a very long time, he was really sure they were patiently waiting. Error was a big threat throughout these months, but he's calmed down recently. Ink wasn't so sure about Nightmare, but it wasn't his job keeping that guy in check.

"Sweetie, I'm finally home!" Ink yells with a huge grin as he enters their medium sized, cozy house. The unsettling silence made him nervously laugh, was this a joke? It must be! Ink remembers that his lover liked telling puns and jokes! The smile that faded was gone for a few seconds before it resurfaced.

Perhaps they wanted to play a game of hide-and-seek? Ink doesn't want to shame them, after all they had to deal with his lack of information about what you do in relationships. They had such a great dynamic!

"Y/N? Honey?" Ink calls out, finally remembering his partners name. It's... embarrassing for him to say but sometimes he forgets the most common things. Thankfully you didn't leave him for that. He's so lucky to have you.

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