Error x Classic

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Meant to be.

Warnings: other than swearing, yeah nothing

Words: 1k

Type: Romantic fluff

Might do a part 2 bc I fell in love with this ship. Expect a lot of oneshots containing this ship ;)


At first, Error hated him with all of his body. He was something he truly despised, a mistake, a meaningless anomaly that soon will come to their end. Who was he speaking of? You know, the person who was the start of all of the... stupid stuff.

Sans. The first ever sans that was done, the original one. Error... hated his nonexistent guts. But he did know that if Classic never existed, he and all the others wouldn't too. He was a little grateful for that.

Error sighed at the sight of his frenemy, Ink. Sometimes he wished that guy would stop being so fucking annoying. Atleast he isn't... Fresh. Ugh, at the thought of that thing makes him shiver.

"Hey Error! I was thinking—"

"You can't think, let's be honest." Error didn't care that Ink didn't finish his sentence, he already knew what was coming. And he's never going to agree.

"Error you know you can't just keep sulking in here. Maybe just hang out with Blue? Or anyone. I'll stop creating for now if you do." OK, this offer seemed good, there has to be a catch. Error raises his "eye" at the offer Ink has made.

"If you leave and never come back then it's a deal." Error hated this soulless guy, maybe even more than Sans and the nightmare guy.

"...Fine..." Ink rolled his colourful pupils. He wasn't worried about Error, he just wanted to annoy him more. Both of the skeletons knew, that Ink didn't mean that.

And so, Error was once again alone. Meh, he will just go visit the original Sans. Error didn't feel like having to hang out with Blue, sure he was nice and all, but he can always feel Papyrus glaring holes into him. That's really unpleasant.

As he went into Undertale, Error couldn't help but smile a bit. His red glasses went into his pocket while he looked around. Error had problems with his eye sigh without his glasses, but he didn't want to seem vulnerable and all that shit.

Error glanced at his surroundings, he was in snowding, basically where Sans lived.

"Sup pal." the chill voice of the person he was looking for made Error jump before he quickly looked towards the amused Classic.

"Hey." his short, glitchy response surprised Sans by a lot. Wasn't he there to, like, destroy his universe? I mean, Error was the destroyer of AU's.

"You okay? You really don't seem to be yourself." Sans caringly asked before taking a sip from his bottle of ketchup. Error grimaced at the sight.

"Ugh, go away from me you anomaly. I'm trying to have some alone time, can't you see? Or maybe you're blind." Error growled at Classic, who didn't even try to flinch. Error really lied to him, everytime he wanted some alone relaxing time he went to Outertale. Maybe he will ask Sans if he also wants to go along.

Hold up! What the fuck is he thinking?! As Error momentarily crashed, Sans shrugged his arms.

"Geez, buddy. What's up in your mind?" Sans didn't feel like joking around, Error wasn't a person to like corny jokes. Classic has his guard up, but after Error has a mental crisis he couldn't help but giggle a bit.

"Hey! Why the hell are you giggling?! Ugh, you're so annoying." Error sighed as he looked away. Trying to gain his composure again, and maybe try to ask Sans out on a— No! It's not a date, Sans wouldn't even bother having feelings for him.

Sans and Error met a couple of times, watched some undernovela and talked a bit.

"Pal. We can talk this out if you want." Sans offers to talk about Errors issues, because of his caring voice Error blushes a bit.

"Yeah, sure. Undernovela or Outertale? Or if you want to go somewhere else." Error quickly shuts up as quickly as he started talking. His pupils looked away from his crush.

Sans was surprised by Error accepting his offer, but smiled contently at him. To be frank, Sans did like him, by a lot actually.

"How about Outertale? I... was never there, so maybe you will have the honor of being there with me for the first time perhaps you will be here for my other first times." Sans flirted as he laughed at Errors reaction.

They did talk about their feelings in Outertale, and actually becoming a couple. Impossible.

"Honey." Sans said while being half-asleep. Error rolled his pupils at the sight of his boyfriend. They were watching undernovela, but Sans fell asleep. Again.

Whatever. He's lazy, but Error loves him for that. He really doesn't want Sans to change, but he would still accept him no matter what.

"My boyfriend just said I'm gay, but I'm not. How am I gay?"

"Shut up." Error focused on his favorite show rather than Sans sleep-talk. He really tried.

The soft snoring of his lover was enough to distract him from the show, Error was thinking about cuddling with Sans. His phobia wouldn't help, but Sans is really understandable and pretty punny.

Error dropped Sans off to his own AU. He didn't pick him up, he just gently threw him into his room. Before leaving Error left a sweet note.

As Sans woke up, his pupils immediately glanced at the note that had a heart on it. He smiled, knowing from who it was.

"Ur cute when u sleep talk. Btw Ink was going to be annoying me soon, didn't want to wake ya. Anyways, love ya.♡
– Ur gay boyfriend."

Sans wondered what he said in his sleep to make Error say "ur gay boyfriend". Meh, he will think about it later.

Sans lays down again, his nightmares stopped once he and Error started dating. He really helped him, so he decides to help Error with his phobia.

"Sans! I need your help with the puzzles!"

Oh, he forgot about his AU. Sans lately was more forgetful and more attentive to Error than what's going on in his universe. It's really bad for him.

Will the human do genocide or decide on pacifist? Sans will find out soon enough, he really hopes for pacifist. But then again, he only cares about his brother and Error now. He could careless if the human killed someone that isn't his brother.

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