Chapter 3

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"Wanda, you're okay. You look beautiful. Stop retouching your makeup for the tenth time," Natasha said after she sipped her cup of tea. They were in the faculty's lounge at the moment.

Others were waiting for their next classes but Wanda was preparing for her date, glancing at the clock every now and then as it neared 4pm.

"Yeah, besides why are you so nervous? It's not like it's your first date, right?" Maria inquired, her face covered by the newspaper she was reading.

Wanda swallowed a lump in her throat. Getting caught in their act on the second day would be the last thing Wanda wanted.

Besides, Wanda wanted to look her best for you, pretend or not.

"I just want to look my best, okay," Wanda settled on her answer, giving them a glare.

"And make a certain someone extremely jealous... okay, mmm... lose the tie and unbutton at least those two buttons on your shirt," Yelena suggested.

And Wanda did just that but not for Jarvis but for your eyes. She didn't even know why she was trying too hard for you to like her but the moment she kissed you last night was the moment her heart started beating like crazy.

Wanda hadn't felt like this before. When her and Jarvis started dating, it felt rather forced on Wanda's part because he just wouldn't stop asking her out, so she gave in. Feeling pressured by peers and the scary thought of growing old alone, Wanda said yes when Jarvis asked her to be his girlfriend. Her only regret in life.

But it didn't feel close to what Wanda felt around you. Even if you only met twice, she felt like she had known you forever and she wanted to know more, willing to accept what you can offer.

Wanda knew there was undeniable attraction between the two of you. Or maybe she was just trying to convince herself. Drowning in her own doubts, Wanda didn't notice her friends were asking her something.

"So did you do it?" Yelena asked twice.


"You know." Then Maria was making obscene gestures with her two hands scissoring each other to which she earned a slap from Natasha to stop.

"I'm not going to share my sex life to you," Wanda said, her face now all red.

And her friends must have noticed because they all leaned forward, elbows resting on the table. "Come on Wands, just tell us. How many did she give you?"

And Wanda's eyes widened. Her friends didn't make her leave without an answer. Afraid she was going to be late on your date, she relented and made up a reply.

"Fine!" Then Wanda held up four of her fingers and the whole group cheered ecstatically. Wanda didn't want to stay after that as she hurriedly left the lounge.

"Wanda, don't be scared. We're not gonna ask for the details," Yelena called out, giggling.

But Wanda was already out the door.

When she left the school to go to the diner, Wanda didn't expect you to be already there.

There were two bouquets of flowers on the table, making Wanda's cheeks blush hard knowing you might have overreacted.

Feeling your eyes on her chest for a millisecond, she couldn't help but rejoice at Yelena's suggestion.

When your gazes met, you stood up and greeted her with a soft kiss on the cheek. And Wanda breathed in your scent, wishing she could just grab your face and kiss you again.

But she had to control herself. She felt like a horny teenager around you and she hated herself for that. She's a grown up woman, six years older in fact. That was what she found out when she looked through your student profile. The kind of stalking old people do.

I Will Gladly Break My Heart For You (A Wanda Maximoff Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now