Chapter 15

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You couldn't find the exact words to what you were feeling right now.

Seeing Wanda after two years and a half turned on the light inside of you, as if the sound of her voice made the switch flip on. You were suddenly drowning with her and everything about her, as you basked into the beauty she still possessed, even more.

The way her hair moved as she turned her head, following her gracefully on its own accord. And her eyes, how they glinted against the lights from the party, making her emerald orbs turn into shades of hazel. 

You found yourself wistfully longing for Wanda, to touch her, to feel her embrace, to confirm if her fingers still fit through yours as you thread them together, to see if she still sees you the same way she had before.

Then came the dreadful realization. It was already too late. She was married. And she was married to Robbie, the same guy she left you for. And that changed everything.

Why do we always fall in love with people we can't have?

You had read somewhere that love was just some sort of chemical reaction that comes and goes and so does heartbreak. You begged to differ. Both love and heartbreak never left you as you watched Wanda interact with Robbie beside her.

"Are you okay?" Peggy appearing before you broke your trance, her hand creeping on your cheek. "You look like you've seen a ghost."

"Yeah, I'm fine," you muttered, shaking your head as you handed her her glass of refilled cocktail.

The woman in front of you wasn't convinced with your response so she placed her hand on your forehead and the other one at the back of your neck.

Then in a matter of moments as you were about to open your mouth to complain, Nick suddenly spoke behind you, making you both turn towards the sound. Your eyes widened as you saw Wanda and Robbie standing beside Nick.

"Hope we're not interrupting something with you and Peggy," Nick teased, ending with laughter which others followed suit. Nick was already intoxicated but he managed to talk like a businessman as if alcohol was never a challenge to him.

You heard him start introducing you to Robbie and about his company, and the plans for their merger. Apparently, Robbie had initially planned to establish another branch around the city, but being a close competitor to Nick's company, the former decided to propose a merger instead. Would that mean Wanda was to head the newly created company?

Nick had went on and on about the details of the proposal but you couldn't find yourself to listen as you sneaked a glance at Wanda. Her eyes didn't leave you and you swore you saw her glare at Peggy's hand still placed on top of your shoulder.

It was only then when you realized Robbie was holding out his hand for you to shake. You accepted it rather hurriedly as he softly chuckled, "Long time no see, Y/n."

"Oh, you knew each other?" Nick asked nonchalantly.

And Robbie was about to point it out for Wanda's explanation but you could see how the brunette squeezed his arm to stop him from uttering any further. So he just nodded back as his voice eventually faltered to silence. Nick didn't seem to notice as he went on with the introductions.

"And this lovely lady right here is Miss Wanda Maximoff, she's-"

You forced a smile as you replied, ignoring Wanda's hand held before you until it awkwardly fell to her side. "We've actually known each other... Miss Maximoff was my professor back in college."

"Oh, Wanda, that's news to me," Nick said, his tone surprised. "Tell me... What was Y/n like in college?"

They all laughed around you, expecting Wanda to share some embarrassing ones, even you found yourself forcing a small laugh as she replied. "She's good... Really good.... I always knew she'd make it."

I Will Gladly Break My Heart For You (A Wanda Maximoff Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now