Chapter 18

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Dashing towards the door after Wanda left, you hesitantly grabbed the knob with your hand but you couldn't find yourself to turn it. Tears uncontrollably fell down your face as you leaned your forehead against the door, knowing that any minute longer Wanda would have already stepped inside the elevator, then minutes after she would have gone back to her hotel and hours after today, she'd be heading back to London.

Yesterday was a blur of something the inner you had been wanting for so long. Yet, here you were, denying Wanda's advances as if forgetting this was one of the things you had regretted not fighting for.

Wanda hadn't been wrong when she told you about the hidden messages in your book. You never thought she'd even see them but there she was, reiterating what you had been asking and praying for so long. For her to come back to you.

But what good would it be if she would just leave you again? Would you take a risk to throw away all your years trying to get over her? Had you even gotten over her?

I sent you emails nonstop, Y/n... I never gave up on you... I never did. You could have let me in. Her words rang through your head, making you grab your laptop from your backpack and open your email address you hadn't logged into for a long time.

So many emails bombarded you the moment you entered the website. Many were from others you hadn't been in contact with for ages and there were some subsriptions and notifications of activites you've had in the past. But one email address stood out.

You filtered all of her messages and found out you had almost 900 unread messages from her throughout the time, making you unexpectedly choke a sob as you covered your mouth with your hand. As if crying out loud would break you again.

Either short or long messages, Wanda never failed to update you on everything.

Hey. I know you've blocked out any means of reaching you and this is the only thing left that I could find.

I don't know if you'll even read this. But I'm hoping you will. I'm praying one day, you will. I know I've hurt you so much, Y/n, and no amount of words could express how sorry I am for leaving you.

I know I can't pick up the pieces for you anymore. But give me more time until all of this is over and I'll collect all the shattered pieces for you to be whole again. And maybe, you'll pick up mine too.

I haven't received any bounced back auto replies yet so maybe, you haven't really deleted this email address. I hope you won't mind me sending a couple of messages throughout the days. I just miss you, Y/n. I miss you.

I don't think I'll ever love someone the way I love you.

It's raining right now. It rains every single day here in London and I hate it. Yesterday, I got stuck under the rain and got my new shoes drenched to the soles. I hate it more when it made me think of you when I came running to you for help that time my apartment got flooded.

I was awakened by thunder roaring in the sky. It's raining again here tonight. And all I can think about is you. How cliche does that sound, right?

I managed to contact Bucky earlier. If you don't know him yet, he's the owner of that diner we used to go to. He runs it with his husband Steve. Do you find them adorable? Because I also do...

Anyways, I just found out that they're discontinuing the cheesecake flavor you liked and I just had to disagree with him. So I did call him about that until I convinced him not to delete it from the menu. Because if he would even attempt, then there wouldn't be something from the diner that would remind you of me.

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