Chapter 16

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Wanda had never stopped loving you.

She never tried to stop, even when you gave her a thousand reasons to plainly give up. She knew she had her reasons but she never intended to just throw away what you both had.

Wanda was determined to get you back. She just needed time, praying you'd understand why she did what she did.

After knowing your mobile number was unreachable and your social media accounts deactivated, Wanda had resorted to messaging you through your email address. There was 1% chance you'd use it knowing it was the only way she could reach you.

But she never stopped sending you messages. You had become her virtual diary, her virtual lover, that she kept on telling details or updates or events in her life, even as tiny as comparing the cheesecake in London versus the one in the diner back home. She talked to you as if you were there and responding back. There were times where she thought she was going crazy, for she knew there was no way you'd ever reply. But she missed you more. So much that not being able to talk to you would make her crazier.

Wanda waited for the issue to pass. So she could go back and start explaining why she left. So she could start a life without compromising your last year in the university. She even came to visit you on your graduation day, only to find out you had already left for New York. It broke her heart more that you never gave her a chance to fix it.

Wanda figured you were not ready yet to see her. That you were still hurt and you didn't want to talk to her. So she gave you more time. Days that turned into months. Months turning into years.

There were times when she was about to let you go but the more she thought about it, the more she got scared. Living without you was a nightmare. But seeing her future without you in it would be hell.

She had probably lived a life that wasn't hers, her mind still trapped in the imagination of a world with you created when she was lonely. She even found herself staring blankly ahead at a couple that looked exactly like the two of you, picturing you and Wanda's faces on them instead.

Robbie eventually found out the truth about the breakup and he completely understood. He was a friend outside work when Wanda needed him, until some days he couldn't because of some girl named Elizabeth.

Time passed by until Wanda woke up and realized she needed to grow, to step up. That she needed to still live as she waited for you. So she searched for another job in London and quit from Robbie's company. She became an independent literary agent but remained as a private consultant to Robbie, as insisted by the latter. Wanda filled her hours with work so she wouldn't have the time to be lonely by thinking of you.

She was still sending you emails like before. She never stopped. Natasha and Maria even advised it wasn't healthy to hold unto the past anymore, especially when the former told you a rumor she found out from her younger sister, Yelena, about a woman named Peggy and how you and her had gotten too close. The brunette only closed her ears, knowing in her heart you still wanted her.

Wanda tried to be present most of the times, enjoying the life she currently had even when she knew you were still missing. Sometimes, she found herself stopping in the middle of a laughter and think of you and how you're still not there.

That was before your book was published.

The moment it was released to the public, Wanda bought the very first copy from a nearby bookstore. She finished it in one sitting, cried for hours until she became numb. Then anger consumed her as she began emailing you her remarks, her complaints, about her disagreements on the character in your book she knew was inspired by her.

She had gone silent for a while and stopped communicating. Until one night, when she saw yet another Supermoon in the sky and thought of you, Wanda grabbed your book that she threw under her bed due to annoyance. And she tried to read the book again with an open mind. That's when she saw it.

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