Chapter 14

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"Y/n?! Oh my god! You're here!" Kate yelled enthusiastically as she jumped at you for a hug, the sudden impact making you grunt. The bottle of wine you were holding almost fell out from your grasp.

"Let the girl breathe, babe," Yelena commented behind the brunette, making you chuckle. After Kate finally pulled away and let you enter the door, you gave a nod and a smile to Yelena, to which she mirrored back.

"I brought some wine," you offered, handing the bottle to your bestfriend.

Kate then went on with a squeaky voice, nudging your shoulder playfully. "It's been so long! Wow, it's like I haven't seen you in ages, and you look fuckin' great, huh! Been working out?"

You only scoffed, cheeks red. "It's only been two years since I've been away from home, Kate. It wasn't even that long... And, you just saw me a year ago during your sidetrip to New York."

You weren't really intending to come home because you knew memories would just resurface from the grave, but you had no choice. Your literary agent, Nick Fury, who was currently residing there, requested for you to come back home and meet the genius people behind the book you had published two months ago. Plus, there was an important party he insisted you to tag along.

Kate and Yelena then ushered you towards the dining room in their shared apartment. The former had moved in with the latter, having the larger apartment. But even when it was Yelena's place, you could tell that Kate had changed it a lot to look more like her. Yelena wasn't complaining.

Amazed by the lasting loving relationship your bestfriend had with the shorter blonde, you couldn't help but feel slightly jealous, thinking how cruel it was to meet the only love of your life when you were at an unstable age. You quickly shrugged yourself from the thought of a certain woman with green eyes. You didn't come home for that.

"How was New York treating you?" Kate asked as she helped Yelena place the roasted potatoes from the oven to the table. "Oh! And congratulations on your book by the way! I've finished reading it the other night-"

"-She reads out loud, Y/n," Yelena added as she teased her girlfriend. "Especially, on some steamy parts." It made you laugh.

"-No, I did not," Kate argued as she shook her head at you, making you chuckle harder. "But, Y/n! It'd be a bestseller in no time, I swear."

As you three began to take your seat, you replied. "New York was good, it's rather busier than here... and thank you, I actually had a meeting with my agent earlier today, him and the publisher will be having a party for the book, and he also mentioned they'll be merging with another company on the same night as well, so he needed me to be present... I think it'd be bearable since Peggy will be there too-"

Then Kate interjected. "Ohhh, Peggy, how is she? Has she finally managed to ask you out?"

You only laughed as you nervously took a sip of the wine Yelena poured in your glass. "It's nothing like that."

It really wasn't. Peggy was smart and beautiful. She worked as Nick's assistant, but the two of you became close friends during the process of publishing your book. If it wasn't for the teases your bestfriend had messaged you after updating her on the recent events of your life, you wouldn't be able to tell that Peggy likes you more than a friend.

That her waiting for you to finish your work and giving you a ride home were too much of a friendly gesture. That sending out good night and good morning messages every single day was her excuse for you to text her back. And that asking you out to go to see the movies where you thought others would be there too but then they just bailed on the last minute.

Upon knowing, you didn't treat Peggy differently. You even thought to give it a try,  to see her as more. You tried. But she didn't make the dead butterflies in your stomach to flutter to life.

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