Chapter 7

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Soft moans, whimpers, wet noises of lips smacking against each other filled the entire bedroom. Wanda knew one way or another, the night after the confession would turn into something close to this, especially when you two were living together under the same roof.

Anxiety consumed Wanda while she was driving you both home from school that night. Glancing at your restless knee and the way you licked your lips every now and then, she could tell you were nervous too.

Blushes and shy smiles were thrown at each other every time the smallest touches or sweetest things were being exchanged.

Even when you and Wanda were both lying on the bed ready for sleep, Wanda on the right side while you on the left, she couldn't get her eyes to close. Her brain full of fake scenarios jotted down each with different consequences. Her eyes so fixated at the ceiling above, she thought it started spinning. She waited for you to make the first move, her own courage faltering.

Wanda wondered where her confidence from earlier had gone when she needed it the most. She knew you were being respectful so you wouldn't initiate. It was as if now that you both knew each other's feelings, you both felt exposed and scared.

What if you and Wanda were just good at pretending and not when it's real? Wanda's pillow thoughts suddenly vanished when you finally broke the silence.

"That was awkward, right?" You jokingly asked, as you turned your head to look at her.

Wanda released a breath she didn't realize she was holding, chuckling shakily as she nodded, agreeing. She rolled her body on the bed to face you as you did the same.

You just stared at each other for what must had been minutes. The night was silent, awaiting. Wanda was confused at first but the longer she gazed at you, her frantic heartbeat returned to its normal pace. There was a soothing sensation as her eyes searched yours and yours at hers. Wanda realized then you had enigmatic round brown eyes and she got so lost in them that she didn't even notice you talking.

"Have I ever told you you look so beautiful up close?" you whispered in a low voice, as if the question just managed to escape from your thoughts, weren't meant to be spoken out loud.

Wanda was glad that the lights in the room were dim, otherwise, you would have seen how flustered she was at the moment. You always knew what to say and when to say it. And you weren't even aware on the effect. Dangerous.

Wanda's left hand crept on the sheets between you and her, hesitant with palm facing upwards. Her heart took a leap when your hand went to hold hers, entangling your fingers together. She never knew this kind of intimacy before but she felt all sorts of fluttering in her stomach as your thumb softly brushed hers.

Wanda felt peaceful with you. You didn't rush it, you just knew.

"Can I kiss you?" you asked after a while. And Wanda thought she stopped breathing as she found herself eagerly nodding, wetting her lips nervously as she felt you lean closer.

The moment your mouths touched and pressed against each other, Wanda finally breathed. She didn't know what she was tensed about when kissing you felt natural, lips fitted perfectly like pieces of puzzle.

Your entwined hands didn't waver as you kissed her with gentleness that was beginning to evolve. When your tongue licked her lower lip, asking for permission, Wanda felt emboldened as she let you in. Her right hand that wasn't tangled with yours instinctively cupped the side of your face, eventually slipping to the back of your neck as she pulled you closer to deepen the kiss. Her body crawled forward towards you.

The first minutes consisted of learning, of memorizing the taste, the form, what the perfect position of mouth was so your teeth wouldn't clash against each other, giving turns to let each other's tongue study and comfort the other.

I Will Gladly Break My Heart For You (A Wanda Maximoff Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now