Chapter 17

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No. You didn't just leave her.

Wanda wanted to believe you didn't just leave her. But after looking for you in the bathroom or downstairs in the lobby and the dining hall of the hotel she was staying at, you weren't there. She even waited for you until lunchtime or hours after that, but you didn't come back.

She knew you were having hesitations. You were even crying last night before everything became intense. She should have known. She shouldn't have let her hunger and cravings come first. But she couldn't resist herself.

Wanda knew the moment she saw you, she just had to grab a taste. That's what it does to people if they missed someone they used to have.

Robbie's text message asking if Wanda wanted to fly back together with him to London the following day made her suddenly break from her trance. The brunette knew last night meant something to you as much as it meant everything to her. She should have, at least, tried to get you back. Last night was just a moment of what had been missed, to fill the hunger. And now, Wanda was determined to get you back.

But then a knock on the door brought her out of her reverie. She was even excited at first, knowing it was probably you. But it was all too good to be true.

Natasha and Maria's upset and glaring faces only met her when she hurriedly opened the door. Somehow, her look of disappointment gave it away, making the two lovers more offended.

"Why did I hear from my very own sister that my bestfriend is around the city and I'm not even aware of it?" Natasha complained, her voice in mocked annoyance.

Wanda forced a weak smile as she apologized, opening the door wider to let them in. Full of overwhelming emotions, she couldn't help but break out into a cry, making the other women moved closer to hug her.

"Oh dear," Maria cooed through her head. "What happened, Wands, dear?"

Wanda then began to tell them everything like a wailing child. How she hadn't moved on from you ever since. How she went back home just to see you. How she couldn't control herself last night around you. How she thought you also felt the same. How you left her alone after everything that transpired from hours of bliss like it was nothing to you when it was everything to her.

Natasha had probably grown tired of advising Wanda after listening for minutes of her mumbling about how she shouldn't have done what she did at that bar the first time she saw you but also regretting having missed the chance to meet someone like you if she didn't.

However, to Wanda's amazement, the blonde only sighed as she pulled out her phone, typed something on it and a message made its way to Wanda's. "Figured you need to know where she stays at the moment... Just so you could ramble all that to her."

Wanda couldn't understand how she was feeling, no amount of words could express her gratitude, so she just bursted into tears as she profusely thanked her bestfriends.

It was already dark when the brunette arrived at the apartment you were staying at. It wasn't even that far from the hotel where Wanda had booked her stay, making her slightly unsettled how you couldn't even think to visit her after all of that.

When she arrived at your door, Wanda took a deep breath through her mouth before she knocked three times. She could make out noises from the television on the other side before the door finally opened.

Then there was you. Bewildered disheveled beautiful you.

"Wands," you gasped, looking as if you had seen a ghost. Wanda wished she wasn't a ghost to you nor a stranger.

She greeted with a small wave. "Hey, Y/n."

Wanda was about to add something else before you opened the door wider to let her in. Without nothing to do and nerves wracking her entire body, her eyes darted to her surroundings. It looked homey, organized like you were before. It even had something that reminds her of how you wanted your apartment to look like.

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