a date with eddie

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Dating. Dating was never a thing for you. Not because you couldn't find anyone , you had plenty of options you just never liked going out. The thought of going out with something and the possible heartbreak drove you far away from the dating scene as humanly possible. That was of course until you laid eyes on eddie munson. Eddie was tall , skinny,  long haired and over all just absolutely gorgeous. From his head to his toes everything about him was hot. His tattoos, the way he dresses and talks just everything about him was calling to you. However he was considered an "outcast" someone no one wanted to be unless they too were an outcast. You couldn't help watching his every move at lunch.. the way he leaned in while talking to his hellfire members,  the way he walked across the table hollering about science,  patires or basketball or in Eddie's words shooting balls into laundry baskets. He was perfect to you , in every way but you two are different... very different.

"Earth to Y/n." Your best friend waved in your face causing you to no longer look at eddie but at her instead. Jamie huffed before speaking.

"I've been talking to you for like the last 20 minutes." She stated all while looking between you and eddie. With a disgusting look on her face she looked back at you. "Will you stop staring at him like that." In response you just rolled your eyes and engaged yourself into your friends conversation. You made comments here and there to let them know you were listening but really you just wanted to look back over and see eddie but you didn't.

• after school •

Finally the bell rang signaling your departure from the hellhole. Walking away from the crowd of sweaty teenagers and overly hyper children you made your way down the hill. Walking home was always your thing, you hated being in a car with friends or family because they would nonetheless use that as their advantage to ask you thousands of questions like they were the FBI or something. Kicking rocks you stayed to one side of the road, as the cars zoomed by you admired the town. The trees were beging to change color  and the air began to get cooler and cooler which was your favorite time of the year. Halfway home a rather large van buzzed right past you nearly getting to the stop sign. Tries squealing, the van halted before going backwards. It stopped right next to you and the music coming from inside was heavy metal. The smell of smoke filled your nose once the strange person rolled down the window. The music blared every so clearly now making your ears ring but nonetheless you enjoyed that music.

"Hello darling." Oh boy did you recognize that voice. Looking into the window you could now clearly see Eddie's face. The smoke lingered around his head like a light cloud. In a matter of seconds he was inside the can now hes in front of you. The smell of weed and cologne took over your senses, not that you minded it that is.

"Hello, eddie." With a smile you clutched your books close to your chest,  not in fear by any means but by the nerves in your body.

"Walking all alone?" Eddie questioned. With a quick but silent nodded you shifted from your left foot to your right. You couldn't keep eye contact with him and for some reason that drove eddie wild. A loud laugh left that sweet mouth if his causing shivers to run down your spine.

"Are you mute sweetheart?" He asked. Still not know what to say you finally met his eyes and boy were they the most beautiful color. You could get lost in his eyes but he gave you no time too. He knelt down a little lower to your height which means he was now closer than before. You could feel his breath on your face and his necklace dangled in front of you nearly touching your chest. With a gulp you continued to keep eye contact even tho it was a struggle.

"I take that as a yes? Or maybe... I could make you make noise." He found himself funny he did,  but that joke sent shivers down your spine. The thought of you and eddie soon took over your mind but was quickly snatched from you when his hand rested on your shoulder. "C'mon sweetheart, I dont bite" he paused. "Unless you want me too." He winked. Hell that wink was so hot ice cream would've melted. "No uh.. no thank you." You rejected.

"Oh well..." eddie began then paused. "I would never force a lady to do anything she wouldn't want to do." He continued. Consent? We love that for a man. You giggled , oh my gosh like a child. A big grin took over his face , amusing. You could tell he was enjoying this. Enjoying you all silent and submissive. With an eyebrow raised eddie stood up straight letting out a puff of air he grabbed a cigarette from his pocket placed the cancer stick between his lips and carefully lit the stick. Blowing a puff of smoke from his lips he looked down to you.

" now that its confirmed you speak, let me ask you this.." he paused yet again. Curiosity began to take way while you waited for a response. Eddie circled you like you were his prey. He looked you up and down then stopped when he was in front of you again. " you're what 18 right?" He questioned. You nodded but that didn't satisfy him.

"Use your words for me, sweetheart." Again he bles smoke out from his lips but this time in your face. With a quick cough you muttered out your response. "Yes , yes I'm 18." You shifted from one foot to the other.

"Good." Eddie clapped his hands and let out a small laugh of excitement. This made no sense to you but then again eddie normally never makes any sense. You watched as his throat flexed while he sucked on his cigarette,  filling his cheeks with smoke he blew it out his nose like a pissed off bull.

"You , me. Date, tomorrow night.. I'd say 7 o'clock?" Shcoked but delited you nodded your head. Use your words Eddie's voice from earlier came into your mind which made you give him a fully response. "That sounds ... great! It's a date." Eddie smiled again. You could see the excitement in his eyes. Tossing the bud of his cigarette on the ground he stomped it out before turning around. "Great." He muttered out before entering his van. You thought he'd offer you a ride but you were mistaken. You watched him drive off like a bat out of hell , heavy metal music fading in the distance you continued your walk home. Thankfully it wasnt too far from where you were so you arrived quickly.

Now you lay on your bed thinking of the long curly heared man who is taking you out tomorrow night. The smell of cigarettes,  weed and cologne still fresh in your nose you happily began to fall asleep thinking about him and the way he makes you feel.


A/n hiya!! I hope you guys enjoy this first part!! Second part will be uploaded sometime after I get home from work and take a nap! Please dont forget to like, comment your feedback and share with your friends,  I would highly appreciate it. Love you guys. ♡♡

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