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Ever wonder what eddie would be like as a dad? Read on to find out how I think it would go.

Dad. Dad is someone who loves you,  cares for you, supports you and encourages you to be yourself. Dads are great human beings but unfortunately some dont get the memo. Eddie was 22 , living with his fiance y/n. They lived in his uncles trailer in hawkins. Eddie was always kind, caring , funny and down right loveable. Sure he was different from the rest and had some problems but who doesn't? We are all human. Eddie met y/n shortly after high school,  they met and fell in love at once if his shows. Ever since then they have been inseparable.

"Eddie! Eddie!" Y/n called out for her lover. Eddie was sitting outside on the deck he , steve and Dustin made, giving them plenty of space to sit and relax. Upon hearing his girlfriend calling for him he headed inside to find her.

"Yes my love?" Eddie responded. He was currently working on a new song. Placing the notebook and pencil down he was met with his beautiful girlfriend. Standing toe to toe with each other they both had grins on there faces.

"I have something to tell you and it's very important." Y/n handed him a little gift bag. Blue and pink paper stuck out from the top of the bag. Confused eddie took said bag and began to go through it. Pulling out a onsie and a positive pregnancy test eddie was shocked. He quietly stared at the pregnancy test , mouth open and all.

"Wh.. what, what?" Eddie could Hardly speak. Excitment and fear rushed through his body. He was excited because he always dreamt of the moment he would became a dad but he was so scared knowing that a tiny human life was going to be in his care and that really scared him.

"Surprise." You giggled happily. Of  course it was no secret that the two of you spent your time well but eddie at least thought he had another year before becoming a dad. Still in shock Eddie places ths gifts on the table before wrapping his arms around you.

"Holy... holy shit." Eddie chuckled. This moment was amazing and definitely memorable for him.

"A child, y/n. How am I going to take care of it?  I mean I'm sure diaper changing isnt all that hard but I mean what If i make him or her cry? What if I cant love it like you can." Eddie began to panic. His breathing picked up. The fear of mistreating or hurting the child was terrifying to him.

"Eddie ... Eddie." You pulled away from your fiance. Placing your hands on his cheeks you giggled a little.

"You are going to do fine... we can take parenting classes.. I'm sure someone is willing to teach us how to do this." You reassured.

"Uhh.. ok.  Ok." Eddie closed his eyes and focused on his breathing. This was so exciting for him.

As time went on eddie cared for you daily. In between still hosting D&D games he was by your side. Surprisingly he took up cooking very well and no matter what time of day or night if you wanted food any kind he was more than happy to run out and get it. Every month eddie got Jonathan to take pictures of your stomach, seeing the progress on growing the child was so exciting to him. Eventually as the months carried on it got harder for you to do day to day things so Eddie did them with no questions asked. He tied your shoes , helped you dress, carried things you couldn't carry and every time he did something like that he did it with a smile. The parenting classes helped calm his nerves but as the day got closer and closer he grew more nervous. Eddie and you designed the nursery and he happily spent hours and hours on making sure everything was perfect, of course with the help of Steve. Once the child was here the excitement grew as well as the love for your child. Everything was perfect. Until he had to change diapers. He still needed help with that but eddie sure did give it his all. There were days and nights you would find him asleep with the child either on the couch or in the crib. Eddie was in love with that child just as much as he was in love with you. Everything was perfect and eddie was a wonderful dad.

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