cheater, cheater hope you love her.

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Playlist: Fingers crossed; Lauren Smith,  Cheater , Chester; Joey +rory , die from a broken heart: maddie and tae. I recommend you listen to these songs while reading the chapter it really sets the mood.
A bit modern you both have cell phones.
Love. Love is a wonderful thing right? Wrong. You thought it was , always did. As a little girl you would imagine finding that special someone , falling in love and marrying them, that was always your dream but then came along a tall , buff man with so many problems. You fell in love, you fell hard but did he? Did he fall in love with you? Or did he fall in love with the idea of being in love? You couldn't figure it out not at all. The first 5 months of your relationship with billy was perfect looking back it was way too perfect. The dates , the love , the connection you had was perfect hardly did you guys fight and if you did he was the first to apologize and he'd admit what he did was wrong and that he'll do better. He did do better but not for long. Things quickly began to decrease. The love, the affection,  the dates, the happiness everything,  everything started to disappear and no matter how hard you tried to hold onto something anything at all it still crumbled at your feet. He started to say I love you less, he started to care less and he started to be around less and it hurt , every day he wasnt around every day you didn't hear from him killed you. You walked around with this need to cry all the time no matter what you did. You walked around with this sick feeling in your stomach but you began to ignore it. You ignored it until the problem was at your front door. Then that familiar feeling was back and it was back so much worse.


You sat in your living room. It had been about a week since you heard from Billy. Your calls, text messages all went unnoticed un responded. This morning you woke up with the feeling of everything being ok. Not with billy but in your life. Maybe just maybe you accepted that your relationship with Billy was really over who knows all you know is today is the first day you felt ok and free. The pain,  the hurt , the need to cry was all gone in a matter of 24 hours and you didn't dare to question it not once. You woke up early on a Saturday morning, made yourself breakfast listened to the music you wanted to listen too. You laughed like you've never laughed before and you cooked your breakfast with a smile. Everything felt like it was finally getting back to normal without billy. Sure it stung like hell that he wouldn't even answer your calls or text messages but you decided to move on , there was nothing you could do. You did everything you could do.

Sitting on your couch criss cross you continued your painting in front of you. You had no idea what it was that you were painting you just allowed your mind to do its work. Light jazz played in the background on your stereo really setting the mood. The light from outside shined into your home giving you enough light to see every detail of your art work. With a sigh you brushed into the canvas creating waves ,Your mind was at ease , your breaths soft and your heart at a steady pace. Everything felt right so right. Of course it wasnt going to last long , you heard the familiar sound of a car you used to love hearing pull into your drive way. Closing your eyes , taking a deep breath you paused on the brush strokes. You waited silently hoping that no one would bother you especially him. But of course that wasnt the case. Doing dong. The doorbell rang all around the house. Again you sat silently until you heard the door bell ring again. Your Hope's of them leaving was chrused at the second ring. Groaning you hollered I'm coming before they got the chance to ring it again. Reaching your door you took a deep breath and looked at yourself in the mirror. Paint smeared in places on your face, your hair a mess as well as your overalls you wear only when painting. Looking away from the mirror you unlocked the top and bottom lock before opening the door. There stood the man you once loved, the man who gave you everything then snatched it away in seconds. He genuinely looked like crap but honestly that made you feel so much better. The bags under his eyes, his hair a mess and you're assuming his week old clothes a mess as well. He hasn't shaved that's for sure and to be honest facial hair doesn't really suit him that well.

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