hold on (read at your own risk)

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Song : hold on chord overstreet.

TW Mention of: over dosing


When life gives you a hard time you take a step back and breathe right? Until you are ok again. I took my step backs and I took my deep breaths and even cried some here and there but now that's not working not at all. Notnings working and the constant feeling of ending it has taken over my mind and today , today I might just let it happen.

I stared at my feet playing with my hair trying to take my mind off of life itself. The cool fall breeze sent chills down my spine and eventually I made my way back inside the warm house. I was alone wayne was at work which gave me time to myself. I was having one of my bad episodes as Wayne calls them. I sat on the couch my leg bouncing up and down as I contemplated life. The tv in the back ground made it feel a little less lonely but I was so far wrapped up in my head it was unbelievable. There was no coming back from this no matter how much I wanted too it wasnt happing. I knew it was time.

Eddie sat on the couch tapping the arm rest his mind racing like crazy. He couldn't think straight and his body was tired so fucking tired. His body began to shake and his breathing picked up as he began to have a panic attack. After he was accused of murder his life has flipped upside down and got worse even after they cleared his name. He hardly goes out anymore and if he does it's with Steve and Dustin no one else.  Lately Steve and Dustin has been so busy so its left him with a lot of free time. Eddie paced the living room until his legs gave out on him. He hit the floor like a bag of potatoes. He stopped himself from face planting it by putting his arms down. His breathing picked up more as tears ran down his face normally he can think himself out of a panic attack when he gets his mind somewhat steady but now that he can't calm his mind he isnt improving. This panic attacked was caused because he went outside by himself to do stuff outside just to enjoy himself. It was like they had radar and immediately showed up egging the trailer and yelling slurs. He went inside until they left then tried to clean up the egg after they all left which wasnt a good idea because he began to overthink everything which began this panic attack.

Eddie stumbled to his feet his vision blurry his head running. He felt his way to his room breathing heavily. He searched his room trying to find his lunchbox when he did he very stumbly pulled out his drugs. Just something to calm down is all he wnated. With little to no clear vision he shakily grabbed something , anything. He grabbed his special k and took it with half of the intion to kill himself. He just wanted it to stop no matter how it had to be done. He couldn't breathe , he couldn't see because of the tears he just wanted it to be over and so it began. Eddie laid down on the bathroom floor feeling woozy he tried to calm his breathing after taking the drugs. He locked the bathroom door before he laid down so no one could stop him. He felt his body start to calm down or in this case it stsrted to shutdown on him faster he thought which made him panic  a little. This is it... there's no going back now.

• Steve Harrington •

Now would be the time to turn the song on

Steve was finally free from work and immediately made his way to eddies house. He pulled into the driveway he parked before going inside. "Eddie?" Steve called out. With no response he began to panic. "Eddie!" He screamed out running to the only closed door in the house. He banged on the locked door hoping eddie would unlock it.  "Eddie please" he cried. He finally got the door open seeing eddie on the floor made him fall to his knees. "Eddie.." he cried pulling him to his chest he screamed. "No eddie please no.." steve sobbed feeling for a pulse when he didnt find one he called 911 begging and pleading for help. Wayne was arriving home when the ambulance arrived the police was already here. Wayne ran into the bathroom and dropped to his knees beside steve crying immediately after seeing his boy laying lifless on the floor.

"Eddie.. eddie no" Wayne cried into Eddie's chest he begged for them to help him even tho they already were. They worked and worked until they got a pulse when they did they immediately got him up and into the ambulance Wayne and steve following them to the hospital.  They took him away on a table steve paced back and forth while eddie laid still they pulled him in to feel his heartbeat again unfortunately they had lost his pulse which means his heart has stopped again. "Can you hear me? Please dont leave me" steve cried into Eddie's shoulder. They had his heartbeat had. Steve cried so hard when they couldn't restart his heart.

Time of death: 10:05 pm

" I don't want to let you go I know I'm not that strong I just want to hear you say stevie let's go home" he cried into Eddie's chest "let's go home , I just want to take you home..." steve sobbed clutching eddies lifless body. He cried while Wayne held Eddie's hand. "Can you hear me screaming? Please dont leave me Eddie! Please" Steve sobbed begging eddie to come back. He placed his hand on eddies warmish cheek. He could see the color starting to leave his body slowly. He rubbed his thumb over Eddie's cheek. "C'mon eds... breathe for me please.. c'mon on I know you can do it.." steve begged and begged for him to come back he just couldn't do this without eddie. Wayne tried to comfort steve while he grieved too. It all happened so quickly one minute eddie was a cheerful teenager now hes lifeless in the hospital with his best friend and uncle crying over his body. His funeral came and went which was the hardest. Wayne made sure it was beautiful and done the way eddie wanted it too. Steve stood by his side e even at the viewing of Eddie's body. Steve held his hand still silently begging for eddie to come back. Before they closed the casket steve lenaed down and kissed his hand "nows your chance eddie please.." he still begged for him to wake up but he didnt and the minute they closed the casket Wayne knew his son wasnt coming back, Steve knew his best friend wasnt coming back and  Dustin knew his dungeon master was really gone forever..

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