falling in love with your bestfriend.

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Best friends forever.

Friendship. Friendship is something you can never force. Friendship is something that comes naturally when two people can stand each other. In your case,  you and Mike can stand each other enough to be friends, best friends. It was your second year in Hawkins but your first year at school. Your parents agreed to let you take the year off since the move was long and rough and you just mentally needed a break. Of course in that time you got a job and began working at a local mom and pop shop selling clothes and decor. Fortunately enough the mom and pop shop was the only clothing shop that mike and his friends shopped at that was closer to home. Sure the mall in town was big, really big but the mom and pop shop you worked at really focused on clothes that the mall doesn't focus on. (Kinda like hot Topic) William and Mary the owners of the shop are constantly around making sure the racks were stocked as well as the shelves. The shop was called thunder, why? No idea but you liked it , it was different and definitely fit for the different people. Looking around you saw all the displays. You saw familiar bands like ac/dc ,metallica, Bowie, blondie and so much more. This shop was a place no one else would shop at besides the metal heads which saved you from the preppy cheerleaders and the asshole jocks , which was nice.

"Y/n I hate to be a bother since you've been so busy since arrival.. but shipment just came in would you mind assisting William while I run the store." Mary asked. Of course you didnt have a problem with helping William out. You'd do anything for both of them. Plus it's not good for them to do all of the heavy lifting themselves.

"Sure, not a problem." You headed into the back room where the large doors were open. You saw a large truck filled with boxes as well as William and the delivery guy.

"Ah, just in time." William said with a big smile. William and Mary are about 30 and 35 , not old at all but it isnt good on their bodys to do all the heavy lifting on their own.  Politely you greeted the delivery man and assisted them on un packing the truck. After about an hour and a half a good portion of the back room was filled with at least 200 boxes of old and new merchandise. William was more than happy with you on helping out.

"Thank you y/n, I don't think we would've finished this fast without your help." You gave a chuckle before turning to look at your boss.

"No need to thank me, I enjoy helping out." you stated. Of course you did. You actually found a job that you enjoy and you aren't bothered by preppy assholes so you'd do pretty much anything to keep this job, besides will and mary are super sweet and caring so it all just makes sense.

Taking boxes out front you began going through each Box and filling the empty racks and shelves. Now that the shipment came in and everything that could be put out was out the store looked more fuller than it did before. A lot of the band tees sell out rather quickly so of course you'd assume it would only be either a matter of days or a matter of hours before the racks became bare again. After an hour of stocking and helping out customers you were finally able to take a break. Looking forward to getting something to eat you headed over to your local diner. Upon entering a bell dinged above your head causing all eyes on you. Feeling uncomfortable you nonetheless found a spot to sit. Your waitress attended to youtelling the specials and giving food advice. Within 5 minutes you had your order placed and now began the wait on food. For a Thursday evening the diner wasnt as packed as it normally is which was fine with you because loudness overwhelmed you. Upon your food arrival the door dinged again, not bothering to look you continued eating unbothered until the table jiggled, looking up you locked eyes with mike your best friend. A grin on his lips he stole a fry from your plate.

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