janitors closet (18+ 🌶)

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Eddie mf munson. Eddie is your typical bad boy. Tattoos, long hair , rings you name it that's him. Hes not every girls cup of tea but hes most certainly yours. Anytime you're in class you cant help but let your eyes wander... up his legs to his butt then his back and oh my that hair , long and curly just how you like it. You couldn't help but notice the way his rings fit his fingers so nicely and how his shirt fits him just right. You sat a few rows behind him then a few seats over giving you the perfect view paying attention was hard as it is but then adding him? Oh gosh you are definitely going to fail. The alarming noise of the bell made you jump in your seat. Your seat slid back a little making a noise. Blushing bright red you got up with a hurry and grabbed your things trying to escape this hell hole was the only thing on your mind but of course it wasnt going to be that easy. Students hurried around trying to find their friends and all you wanted to do was leave. Not paying attention was definitely you which made sense on why you crashed into a wall or what you thought was a wall, with a groan you stepped back ready to holler at who ever was in your way. That person was no one other than eddie munson himself. Shcoked and astonished you could barely mutter out an apology. "Slow down there darling." Eddie's voice was soft, he looked at you with concern. Still standing frozen he chuckled. "What cat got your tongue?" He questioned. Still silent you felt like such a fool so you quickly thought of something to say. "You're so hot." You blurted out with an eyebrow raised Eddie laughed. Leaning towards you eddie again chuckled at the look of fear on your face when you realized what you had said. Suddenly there was zero space between you two. The smell of cigarettes and cologne graced your nose. His breath on your face and his hands on your hips. Wait , when did that happen? You thought. Your heart began to race as you felt him back you up the fear of hitting a wall or a door crossed your mind not someone seeing you both. Sudden it went dark before eddie clicked on a light. "I see the way you look at me y/n everyday." His hands moved around on your body as he towered over you. Ah dominance delightful, with a gulp you felt eddie inch closer now his body was on yours and a strong feeling of electricity shot through your body. "Fuck." You muttered out wasting literally no time his lips crashed onto yours, the janitors closet wasnt big enough but it'll do. You kissed back immediately, your hands attached themselves to his body and eventually made home in his hair. Your hands in his hair definitely made him happy. The groans and moans that left each of your mouths filled the janitors closet. No part of either of your bodys went untouched of course eddie asked consent each time
"May I?" He asked with a nod of your head he continued to love on you. "Quite love, quite." He reminded you while he satisfied you. Quietly you held onto him while you saw stars , the low grumbles and moans that left Eddie's mouth filled your ears, you went from admiring him to being with him in the janitors closet. His lips explored your neck causing your body to tingle. "Eddie.." his name slipped from your lips so delicately. Neither of you said a word again until you both were finished. Carefully eddie grabbed his handkerchief, he looked around the janitors closet finding a bottle of water he poured water over the handkerchief before cleaning yourselves off. After care , after care was a big thing for eddie , after he cared for you he made sure you were ok before getting you both out of there without being seen. Successfully out you two ran off together and eventually spent the night together wrapped up in each other's arms.

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