sex shop pt2 (18)

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Everyone Is over the age of 18.

Gareth: Gareth is pretty much down for anything and that's why you love him so much. Gareth is laid back and chill with you but a total asshole dick in public its just the way he is. Hes like all sweet caring and kind around people he likes but hes an over protective man in public. He can and will chew people apart if they even look at you the wrong way. Let's just say hes a pitbull in public but a total golden retriever around friends and family and well you. So when you suggested to go out to the sex shop he was definitely down and very much interested in what they had. You two arrived at the shop a little after noon. Heading inside you both looked around the dark sex shop. All kinds of toys , whips and lingerie lined the store. Immediately looking around a few things peaked your interest. You wondered off going through different isles while Gareth did the same thing. You picked out two new lingerie sets as well as a couple new toys. You and Gareth met up in the back. "Find some stuff?" Gareth asked you nodded showing him the lingerie sets which he definitely liked as well as the few toys too. After you spent nearly an hour in the shop looking at many things you two checked out and left. "Did you pick out a strap on?" You asked your boyfriend he grinned and winked "I've always wanted to try pegging." You laughed at him and nodded "I guess we can experiment." One you guys got home you both went straight to the bedroom to try out everything you bought and lets just say it was definitely fun.

Dustin (18): Dustin being the shy nerd type he is even as an adult it was hard to convince him to go to the sex shop but you promised to play dnd with him all night if he went with which he did because he was so excited to play dnd tonight. With the two of you constantly working to pay off your house you both newly bought you both never had much time together besides bedtime which was mainly sleeping. When you arrived you had to practically pull him from the car. When you two got inside Dustin covered his eyes "I really don't think I should be seeing this" Dustin said making you giggle. "Dustin you are nearly 19 years old I think its about time you see this." You said pulling him throughout the store. You showed him different toys and different things he was a flustered mess but he tried to pay attention but with everything out in front of him he couldn't focus. Everything peaked his intrest which overwhelmed him a little but after a couple minutes he relaxed. "What about this?" you said holding up a black and red lingerie set. "I..I think you should get it .. it looks beautiful." You giggled at Dustin and how red his cheeks were. You only stayed for a few more minutes before checking out and going out to the car. "You are so flustered it's so funny" you giggled getting into the car. "Hey ! No I'm not" you laughed again putting the bag on the ground. "You are blushing bright red Dustin" you poked his cheek. He pulled out of the parking lot you teased him the entire way home and in the house. Of course after dinner and the dnd game you both tried out everything you purchased.

Will (yes I'm aware hes probably gay so this is for females and males ); sex has never been a huge thing in your relationship with will. Sure you have slept together already but both of you have never really been like obsessed with sex but today will actually brought up the idea to go to the sex shop it surpised you but you definitely went for it. After his dnd game with his friends you and him went into the sex shop. You spent an hour and a half going through everything finding things you both like. "Do you think I could wear this?" Will looked at you. You nodded. "Wear whatever makes you happy" you kissed his cheek before wondering around the rest of the store. You both picked out a fair share of toys and decided not to show each other until you both got him. Will want as flustered as you thought he was going to be but it was still fun. After dinner you two definitely went into the bedroom to spice things up in the sex life. For the first time you both were really into it and enjoyed every minute of it and you are definitely thankful you two live alone.

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