sex shop part one ( 18+)

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Johnathan: the two of you have had a good sex life since day one but you came up with the idea of taking him to an adult store of course after a little convincing and some weed he was more than down to go and explore beyond the bedroom. So the two of you made the hour and 15 minute drive to the sex shop. Unpon arrival you could tell that he was a little uncomfortable but he still wanted to go inside once inside you both had to prove you were over the age of 18 after that you both explored the sex shop. "Look what about this?" You pointed out a vibrator. "What that?" He looked a little confused you laughed at his face expression. You kept pointing out so many things which eventually made him really flustered so you two left with lube, handcuffs , whips , special candle wax for wax play and blindfolds. "I can not believe you made me go in there" Johnathan said getting in the car. "Hey I didn't make you do anything" you laughed putting the bag at your feet. "Ok but who the fuck is putting that large of a penis in them" you laughed so hard as he pulled out of the parking lot "a lot of people Johnathan a lot of people." You giggled looking at him. The entire time you two were inside he was hiding his face in your neck because he was definitely embarrassed because you would point out the most embarrassing things just to make him flustered. Once home you two definitely used everything you bought and he had so much confidence in everything.

Steve: no matter how cocky or confident he was in the relationship anytime you mentioned a sex shop he would immediately shut down and say he will never step foot in a sex shop ever well until now of course. You finally convinced him last night to come and at least check it out and see what it's all about you could tell he was definitely just as curious as you were. So there you two stood in the isle at the sex shop just staring at what was laid out in front of you guys in all honesty you were shocked at all of the stuff here. Vibrators , dildos , strap ons etc everything was in your face. You both were definitely flustered at the amount of sex toys here. "Why does this place smell like my grandmother" you started laughing at Steve's comment. He wasnt wrong when you stepped in it smelt like a grandmother's house which made the next 10 minutes a little uncomfortable. You two eventually left with a vibrator and handcuffs you decided to keep it at a minimum for starters and maybe make your way up to more and more. You two talked about the shop the entire way back home. Neither of you could wrap your head around some of the sizes of dildos they had it was funny and definitely an adventure.

Eddie: eddie had the bright idea to being Gareth along to the sex shop. Why? You had no clue but was just happy he was coming along. You knew this wasn't his first time in a sex shop but it was his first time with a female with. Once you three got there you started looking around actually looking for new twos. You got lost in reading the backs of boxes that you had no idea what your boyfriend and his best friend were doing until you looked up hearing giggling. "Munson ! Emerson ! Put that down!!" The two boys stopped playing pirates with the dildos when you yelled at them. They both bit back a laugh they immediately tossed the dicks back on the shelf before coming over to you snickering. "Seriously? I leave you two alone for like 5 minutes and you two are using dildos as swords?!" You whisper yelled. All they could do was giggle an laugh like toddlers. You tried you best to find more toys for the bedroom but eventually you three got kicked out because of eddie thankfully they allowed you to buy the toys while eddie and Gareth sat outside. "I can't believe you two idiots!" You said getting in the car. "Look ok I'm sorry we are sorry" eddie said "yeah I would believe that if you could apologize with a straight face dickhead" you weren't that mad just a little embarrassed is all but all in all you found some nice toys that you and eddie definitely tired out once home alone so youd say the day was definitely a success.

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