Back to the Castle

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Shrugging on a light brown jacket to keep warm I sit in between Charles and Erik in the back of a truck heading to a Russian base where Shaw was said to be heading to. The CIA lady tensed up when Charles raised fingers to his temple concentrating on hiding us. A group of agents with us aimed their guns at the door and I gasped seeing the Russian guard acting like nothing is wrong and simply closing the door. Charles dropped his hand sitting back down right when Erik patted his leg meaning good job. Turning my head to Charles I smiled up into his eyes. Climbing out of the truck we all get on the ground in some hidden trees seeing a blonde lady that I recognized from the ship on the water. Charles lowered his hand before Erik dropped his hat, pulling my arm. "I'm not CIA. Come on, Rora." Glancing back at Charles he called my name when I ran after him following with whatever plan he has in his head. Crouching down in the woods Erik rests a hand on my knee pointing to the guards. "So just let your power loose on those guys, you understand. If they catch us we'll be taken to Shaw." I reluctantly nodded my head in understanding his words.

He started just running head first into the danger pulling some of the Russian guards to hik because they are carrying metal guns. He punched one of the guards and wrapping wire around some others inside the fence. I run down the hill sliding underneath the metal gate only for two guards to aim their guns at me directly. I throw my hands out in front of me drawing the two towards me, flicking my wrists I snatched their guns from their hands crushing them when I make a fist as if they're nothing. The men shake still laying on the ground at my feet so I closed my eyes mumbling under my breath hoping to control their minds. "Forget our faces and go to sleep." Seconds later the two Russian guards closed their eyes and I run not having time to make sure they weren't faking it or not. Entering the building I heard some Russian starting to yell but Erik used his power knocking the guards on their backs with the butt of their guns. He walked up the stairs and removed all the bullets from their weapons afterwards with just the clutch of his fist. "Ladies first, Rora." He gestures to the locked door in front of us, being a gentleman for a few seconds. Closing my hands into fists I suck in a breath then opening my hands again. The door bursts opened almost breaking out of its frame right when Charles rounded the corner looking as suprised as we were at what was in front of us.

I nearly gagged in discust seeing the Russian leader sitting on the bed pretending to have a heated make out session with the air. He suddenly noticed us looking over to the coach seeing the blonde girl just smiling at the mind trick she pulled. The Russian general drew a gun about to shoot us until Charles raised his right hand using his power. The man fell back on the pillows before the blonde tries to run only to get tackled by the boys. Erik used his power choking her with the gold metal bedposts until she broke her diamond form allowing Charles the in he needs. Erik bends down pouring himself a drink and offering me one with his other hand. "Aurora, do you want some?" Shaking my head I rub my hand up and down my left arm seeing the look on Charles's face which isn't good. He's terrified at whatever was inside the blondes head until he gets to his feet calling for backup from the CIA. The trip back the facility was quite until we pulled up outside the destroyed building. Charles immediately rushed to hug his sister seeing she was alright. Erik offered me a hand helping me out of the car just as Raven spoke about one of the mutants they recruited. "Darwins dead, Charles. And we can't bury him." Looking to the boys I see frustration in the boy from prison, Alex his name was. "We can avenge him." Erik broke me from my thoughts making me look over my shoulder in his direction.

Charles and Erik stood away from the rest of us where I could still hear their conversation. "They're just kids-" Charles gets cut off by his friend who makes a good point. "No, they were kids. Shaw has his army, we need ours." Shaw wouldn't stop until he wiped out all the weak humans, leaving the world to be controlled by all mutants. He had to be stopped before another World War was created. "We'll have to train. All of us." Charles suddenly turned back around to the six of us waiting for an answer on what was next. "Even if they reopened the facility, it's not safe. We've got no where else to go." Hank the scientist with crazy feet explained with his hands thrown out. Charles just gave a small smile having everyone get back in the car so he could drive. "Yes we do." Everyone stood outside in the sun in awe at the place he called home. "Honestly, Charles. I don't know how you survived, living in such hardship." Erik mocked the man where I elbow him in his rib giving him a glare to be nice. Raven moved past us leaning into her brothers side replying. "Well, it was a hardship softened by me." Charles kissed her forehead where I can't help but wonder what it would be like to kiss him. Twisting the fabric of my shirt I'm actually grateful he can't fully read my mind like the others. "Come on. Time for the tour." Raven grinned walking inside the front door. I start to follow the others but someone tugs my arm where I see it was in fact Charles. "Can we talk alone, Aurora?" He asked and I bite my lip hoping that I don't embarrass myself simply nodding my head yes letting him lead me inside the house.

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