Man With Claws

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Blinking my eyes opened my head feels like a brick wall smashed into it repeatedly over and over. I try sitting up but soon realized that I couldn't move my arms or legs. Lifting my head up as much as I could I saw metal restraints holding me down onto an operating table. I started thrashing around seeing an iv sticking into my left arm making me panic. I've been in this situation before with Shaw and I refuse to live with someone like that demon man again. Gasping suddenly I bite my lip feeling some pain shoot through my stomach meaning it was the baby right before a door opened. A man carrying a clipboard walked in who I don't recognize. "At last we meet Ms. Deerfield or should I call you Mrs. Xavier?" The man questioned laying the board down taking a seat on a rolling chair pushing hair out of my face. Grunting through my teeth I spit in his direction. "Who the hell are you...Urgh let me go...I'm not your enemy!"

"Oh excuse me. Where are my manners. My name is William Stryker. And you and I are going to have some fun." He tapped some buttons on a keypad before tiny little needles injected themselves into my arms and legs. "You see my dear girl. Sébastien Shaw only scratched the surface with you. Him being a mutant himself he thought he should rule the world. I am not here to do that. I'm here to understand your power and then use it to wipe every single mutant out of existence." Clutching my hands into fists at my side I grunted feeling my chest heaving up and down in terror. Erik was right that once people learned about mutants they would start experimenting on us. End up killing us all because we are different. "So what do you plan to do with me, Stryker...because there's no mutant in this world that can wipe us all out at once."

Stryker clicks his tongue increasing whatever is inside the needles causing me to scream. Clutching my hands into fists I felt the golden power breaking through and hitting some things around the room. "Ms. Xavier I already have the person I need in mind. You see I was given a copy of your medical treatments that were done. So I know you are half telepath like your husband. I'm going to use you to rid the world of mutants." The needles retract themselves from my arms where I saw wounds in my arms and legs. Struggling for air I felt the pain everywhere in my body. Bugging my eyes out I shutter seeing my wounds slowly healing themselves where has never happened before. "What did you do to me. I - I wasn't able to heal before - what did you do!" I croaked through heavy tears wishing I was back home safe with my husband and daughter instead of with this hateful human.

"I gave you the power of one of my experiments...named Wolverine. He escaped you see when I captured your friend Mystique not too long ago. So now you're going to be my new experiment." He moves to put a needle in my head but I closed my eyes tightly entering his mind and locking onto him. Freezing him in his place I grunted creating a high amount of energy from my hands destroying the metal restraints. Swinging my legs over the bed I quickly take the needle injecting it into his body instead. A few seconds later my vision starts to blur so I started running through the lab hearing security calling out for me. Jumping over a stairs railings I moaned feeling my shoulder get a piece of metal inside it. My hair is tousled around where I forced myself to my feet seeing the red words of an exit door a few steps in front of me.

Bolting out the door I didn't stop running until I found a small town. Wherever I am there's snow everywhere so I'm definitely not around home anymore. Pulling my jacket hood over my head I tilt my head down hoping to not get noticed by anyone here. Struggling I climbed up onto a barstool laying my head on the countertop until a man spoke. "You don't look too hot there sweetheart." Whipping my head up I frantically looked around creating a small ball of energy in my hand underneath the table ready to fight. The man sitting next to me has deep brown eyes and hair where I somehow recognize him from somewhere. I just can't put my finger on where at exactly. "Luckily we're alone. Most people around here don't care too much for mutants. So what's your name?" He asked causing me to shake my hand making the energy die out. He raised a beer to his mouth taking a drink. "I'm Aurora. Aurora Xavier. Who are you stranger?" The man spit out his drink bugging his eyes out at me with a stunned look on his face. "Golden's you." My mouth hangs opened hearing that nickname finally remembering who this guy was.

"Who exactly are you?" I questioned walking down the stairs creating some gold energy from my left palm. The stranger has dark brown hair and eyes. He raised his hand showing bone like claws appeared outside his skin. "I'm Logan and you're Golden Flare. Some call you Rora"

My heart skipped a beat mumbling under my breath knowing who the man was right in front of me. "Logan...oh my God. I thought you were dead after DC or that you had went back to your own time." He sits his glass down in front of him turning to face me giving me a smile even though it was a tiny one. "Part of me did go back. But my current self - uh me stayed here." Nodding my head I reached about to take his hand but retract it remembering my shoulder was injured. Pulling the top of my sleeve down I shivered seeing the wound was healed over like it never happened. "Rora, are you alright. You look like you've seen a ghost?" Logan asked when I met his gaze where I grabbed a tooth pick sticking it into the center of my left hand wincing at the pain. Dropping the pick the tiny wound hole closes over making me almost throw up. "Logan I - uh need to ask you a you know a man named William Stryker?" Glancing over to him he dropped the cigare he had in his mouth completely shocked by my question.

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