Deerfield vs Lehnsherr

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Charles entered the room first seeing Raven in her blue form laying on the floor. He dropped down on his knees softly reassuring her. "I'm going to keep you safe. I'm going to keep you out of their hands." He rests a hand to cheek while I watched Erik. He eyes the short man with curly hair standing in the corner staring at us in awe. Erik glanced my direction where I felt him plotting a plan in his head to either kill the man or somebody else. Flashing before my eyes he made a gun fly into his hand aiming it directly at Raven. "Erik, what are you doing?" Charles whipped his head around raising his freehand. He uses his body to still shield her from him. Whipping my head around Logan us having a panic attack against the wall. Hank and I share the same worried look when Erik spoke. "Securing our future...forgive me Mystique. As long as you're out there we'll never be safe." Erik started to pull the trigger until Hank tackled him raising the gun in the air. Raven breaks through the glass window with a bullet in her leg.

Charles gets knocked to the ground when Hank slowly turns into his beast form chasing after Erik. Turning on my heels I jumped through the broken glass levitating myself in the air. Hank tackled Erik to the ground punching him. Everyone in the crowd has there eyes on us as I try helping Raven to her feet. She grunts seeing blood run down her leg from where the bullet was. Erik and Hank fight in the ar until he wrapped the metal around Hank getting him off him. Erik gasped getting out of the water until I threw him backwards onto the concrete. He grunts holding himself up with his hands completely soaked head to toe. "Aurora stay back. You don't need to be involved with this." He rises to his feet but I shake my head clutching my hands into fists at my sides. "Yeah I do. I have to get involved when you try and kill one of my promised you wouldn't hurt one of your own. But you lied." Erik opened his right hand drawing some of the metal fencing towards me. People scream running away afraid he will use it on them but he tries wrapping it around me.

"I put my trust in you for years, Erik. Looking at you now that was a mistake. How am I supposed to know you won't come after my child if they are have powers like Raven." I wave my hand crunching the metal pole with a clutch of my fist. He opened his hand dragging me forward by my mother's metal necklace around my neck. Halting in my tracks I throw my hands forward screaming to throw him backwards towards the building. "I'm trying to save us all, Aurora. If they get Raven your child will live in a war. Do you and Charles really want that for the boy or girl?" He croaked out seeing police coming towards us. He just waved his hand pushing them back like they were nothing to him. The wind blows my hair into a crazy mess shaking my head no to him. "Of course we don't want that to happen. But I am not going to kill my friend to save the world. Charles says we can do better, killing people who hate us isn't the best thing to do." Erik raised his hand about to throw me but I opened both of my hands screaming again. The glass behind him in the building breaks when he flies backwards getting scrapes on his body, screaming fills around me with the sound of clicking cameras. "Leave Raven alone, Erik. She deserves to live." I mumbled to him on the ground running towards an alleyway hoping to get out of view.

Pressing my head into the brick wall I try catching my breath. Clutching my hands into fists at my sides I can't believe I was stupid enough to do that. I could have just tried fighting my friend without showing my mutations. Now we will be all over the news, made to be feared by the tiny man we saw in the office. I hear people all speaking around the corner in a massive panic so I pick up my feet starting to run again. I haven't had to run from people for years. I thought I was done with this after Erik killed Shaw but he's now the reason I'm running again. Halting in my run I end up on the side of a road seeing a car so I wave it to stop and it actually does. "You need a ride?" The driver asked and I nodded getting into the car giving him the address. He drove me to the airport and I got through security fine by using my mind power making them forget my face. Exiting the airport I see Charles car waiting for me outside. Climbing in the backseat he gives me a hug looking for injuries. "Are you hurt, Roa?" Shaking my head no I brush hair from his eyes seeing the fear going away slowly. Laying my head against his chest he wrapped an arm around me until I heard a strange voice in my head, one that I had never heard before. "Mommy, daddy." The voice belongs to a child just by the different tone making me shoot my eyes opened sucking in a breath.

Comments really appreciated

I just discovered a kitchen scene that was cut from Days of Future Past with Raven and Charles talking. Should I include that in this book????

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