The Name Xavier is Legacy

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"Let go, Jean...let go Hope. Unleash your powers. No more control...just let go...let go girls!" He screamed up to us where I opened my eyes flashing Apocalypse a wicked smirk once more.

Hope's POV
Jean and I squeezed the others hand as we started walking towards Apocalypse. I don't look down where our feet were no longer on the platform but in fact allowing us to hover above the ground. The wind blows through my hair out of my face. Erik and Scott each kept giving him everything they had. Jean doesn't glance my direction when I looked to her for a signal. Closing my eyes I entered the mind word again. Apocalypse hovered over my parents pressing them into the ground harshly. My father groaned flickering his blue eyes up to mine. My gaze moved to my mother who was on her back her blonde hair a knotted mess with some blood stains in it. "Forget control, Hope. Ignore the lesson - just let go!" Mom cried out getting picked up by him. He then reached for my father who screamed to the red head at my side knowing we're the world's only hope. "Let go Jean - let go - unleash your powers!" Shooting my eyes opened we just scream releasing our power onto the God killing him until you only see his Skelton. Lowering myself back to the room I gasped seeing wings of almost a bird behind Jean before she appeared back on the ground too.

Aurora's POV
Blinking my eyes opened I lifted myself up on my elbows hearing Charles slowly waking up beside me. Rolling over onto my side I suddenly crash my lips onto his not caring about the others in the room at the moment. He gasped but moved his fingers up my arm until they knotted into my hair kissing me back where we're gasping for air. Resting my forehead against his I had to admit it was gonna be weird not messing with his hair anymore. I know he'll be broken up about it more than myself. "Charles I - I thought I was losing you. Oh god - I-" He cuts me off with a kiss entering my mind. "I know, Rora. I already know...I love you too." Smiling into the kiss I broke it looking over my shoulder to our daughter. "Hope, thank you. You don't need to learn control anymore. You're ready." She dropped down on her knees wrapping her arms around the both of us. Charles and I both each wrapped an arm around her releaved to actually be together as a family once again. She breaks the hug raising a brow to her father. "I'm not sure if I like you bald, dad." He weakly chuckled alongside her resting a hand ontop of his head knowing it's gone. "It shall be an adjustment that's for sure, sweetheart."

Getting to my feet I walked to the edge of the ledge seeing Erik standing on the ground. Opening my hands I lowered myself down to the ground with him. He removes the helmet running a hand through his hair avoiding my gaze. "Aurora I - I'm sorry for what I did. I just thought giving into my pain was the only way..." I could see tears in his eyes causing me to fling my arms around his neck burying my face against his chest. He slowly wrapped his arms around my waist crying into my shoulder for a few moments. "Hey E, look at me alright. You joined the bad yes - but you did the right thing and fought for good in the end. That's what truly matters." He sniffed through tears staring up at where Charles and the others were still at currently. "Would it be alright if went back to the school with you. Would Hope allow it?' I could hear the nerves in his tone of voice so intertwined our hands giving him a gentle grin. "I think she'll love that. I know I do. Come on let's go home."

The elevator door opened as I pushed my hair over my shoulder seeing Charles already down here waiting for me. Erik turned my direction with a smile. Together he, Hope and Jean re-built the school with their powers so it was completely back to normal. Intertwining my hands together in front of me the three of us watched Hope come out of the elevator rushing to her uncle with opened arms. He hugged her back ruffling her hair a little with an actual smile that I hadn't ever seen except the day she was born. "Hey how about the next time we reunite. You don't you know try and destory the world. Sound like a plan uncle Erik?" He chuckled throwing his head back where Charles and I had to join in too. "I'll absolutely try, little X. Don't grow up too fast on your parents. Although...I think a guy likes you." He whispered the last part in her ear eyeing Peter who was waiting for her before Raven and Hank would start the drills for training. "Bye Uncle E. Love you." She waves bye blushing like crazy walking away from the three of us.

"I still have hope for the world." Charles trailed off sitting in his chair wearing a blue shirt. Erik bends his down chuckling lightly. "Oh, yes. Hope. You're continuing search." Tucking hair behind my ear I tilt my head to our friend pointing out. "You were right to pick that name for her, Erik. She is the best parts of Charles and I." He smiled down at me where Charles stared up to him. "I was right about Raven. I was even right about you...and Aurora." Erik puts his hands in the pockets of his grey suit jacket shaking his head. "What about the rest of the world. Doesn't it ever wake you up in the middle of the night. The feeling that someday they'll come for you, and your children?" Charles and I turned to each intertwining our freehands together. "Yes it does, Erik." I replied to him asking another question confused. "What do you do when you wake up to that?" Charles eyes him carefully as he spoke. "I feel a great swell of pity for the pour soul that comes to my school looking for trouble. You're sure Rora and I can't convince you to stay?" Erik smiled back to us heading for the elevator. "You're psychic, Charles. You can convince me to do anything." Charles glanced over his shoulder calling back. "Goodbye old friend." He shouted back stepping inside. "Good luck, Professor. Oh and Rora...thank you forgiving me." I smiled getting one more look at my friend. "See you soon, E."

Charles shifted in his wheelchair staring towards his sister. She was staying in her natural blue form from now on. Hank was at the control table in his beast form too. Hope stood near Peter opening her hands revealing the golden power. Scott had new glasses and was near Jean. We even manged to locate Storm and someone named Nightcrawler bringing them to the school. From the looks of it of someone ever attacked the school this group of kids would defend it always. "Forget everything you think you know. Whatever lessons you learned in school, whatever you're parents taught you. None of that matters. You're not kids anymore. You're not students. You're X-Men." Raven declared to the new hero group. Hank pressed a button revealing the old sentinels as a form of training. "So who's the one our daughter likes, love?" Charles whispered into my mind making me chuckle bending down on a knee so I'm his level. He followed the tip of my index finger seeing that I was pointing to Peter. "My God I'm not ready for her to have a boyfriend. You know we could just-" He waves his right hand around wanting to use his power on all boys still. Covering my mouth with my left hand I start giggling at the thought but still shake my head no. "Charles, we have to accept the fact that she's growing up. Although I may have a solution myself..." Charles smirks when I climbed ontop his lap wrapping my arms around his neck smirking through my thoughts. "Let's have another baby, Charles." He cups my face in his hands searching for hesitation at all since he would have to take the serum again. Resting my hands on his shoulders I asked leaning down giving him a quick kiss. "What do you think, Professor X?" He wrapped his left arm around my waist holding me close to him while his other hand moves the joystick turning us so we went inside the elevator. The door closed behind us as he grinned lovingly up at me. "I'd love nothing more than that, Rora." That's when he finally kissed me.

Comments really appreciated

Should I write for Dark Phoenix yes or no???

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