Help My Child

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"Logan I - uh need to ask you a you know a man named William Stryker?" Glancing over to him he dropped the cigare he had in his mouth completely shocked by my question.

Logan bursts through the door heading outside with a word so I jumped down from my barstool grabbing my coat and following after him as quickly as I could. The wind and snow blows in my face when I called out to him. "Logan, just wait. I need your help." Managing to grab his forearm he spun around glaring down at me since he is taller than me. "I can't help you. If Striker is after you then I need to get as far away from you as possible." He yanked his arm from my hand turning on his heels about to get in the driver's seat of his old beat up truck. "He's gonna come after me then like you said. I've seen inside his mind and he wants to kill us all. Kill all the mutants and it puts my baby in danger again." I begged him grabbing his arm again but he yanked it away opening the door. Raising my left hand in the air I closed the door in his face where he finally focused on me with an annoyed look on his face. "You're not gonna just use your mind on me?" Crossing my arms over my chest I rolled my eyes shivering in the cold. "I give people the choice. I could control you if I wanted but I'm not going to. So please helping my child."

He opened the door again waving me to get in on the other side. Closing my door I sighed watching the road in front of us for a few hours of silence until he broke it. "How'd he find you anyway. I thought you lived off the grid with...the professor." Glancing his direction I wrap my arms around myself feeling a little warmer. "I have no idea. All I know is I woke up strapped down on a medical table with needles in my body." Logan nodded putting a new cigar in his mouth offering me one in his hand. "Want one?" Gagging I blurted out resting a hand on my belly. "I'm pregnant remember!" He rolled his eyes looking back at the road slamming on the breaks seeing the road blocked off with trucks that had a weird logo. He yanked me down peaking over the dashboard watching a guard dressed in full body army suit coming towards us. "That's Stryker's men isn't it?" I mumbled under my breath with him nodding in my direction. "Yeah its them. I'm gonna try and handle this. Stay in the truck no matter what happens understand." Nodding my head yes in agreement he gets out slowly walking up the guy like nothing is wrong. Closing my eyes I entered the soliders mind listening in on the conversation.

"We're looking for a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes that escaped from our facility recently. Have you seen anyone like that around here?" He asked where Logan shrugged his shoulders. "No I was just on my way home by myself. But you're trucks are in my way. So could you move it along?" Another solider stepped outside with a few more who have big guns. Lifting my head up where they still couldn't see me I gulped nervous about this situation. "Well if you let us search your vehicle really quick then we will get out of your way." The solider stepped forward but Logan slowly revealed his claws. The other two guards reached the truck before I could control their minds. One opened the door yanking me out by my arm right before Logan stabbed the solider in front of him with his claws killing him right then. Multiple soliders ran outside firing bullets his direction where he ran up like the hits were nothing which resulted in killing most of them.

The two soliders holding me shoved me into the snow on my knees slapping cuffs around my wrist. One of the soliders pulls out a needle filled with some blue liquid so I closed my eyes creating energy from my hands knocking both soliders out on their backs. "Bruciare supe terram, faciendo ignis ga praemium." I mumbled under my breath creating a circle of fire around the remaining trucks with soliders inside setting them on fire. Logan removed his claws from another guy's chest seeing me swaying from side to side. Locking my eyes on the last three guys standing I mumbled the words again feeling veins underneath my eyes before their bodies caught on fire screaming. Closing my eyes they just laid their slightly burnt when Logan ran over to me dropping on a knee cutting the ropes with one of his claws. "Hey you okay, Rora. What's wrong with your eyes. Are these veins?" He brushes his thumb over one of them while I felt my eyes growing heavy. I throw my arms up collapsing into his embrace where he catches me bridal style putting me back in the truck not sure what to do. "God dang. Where the hell are you Charles Xavier!"

Short chapter for me. But here's an update

Comments really appreciated

Please send ideas if you have any I need help

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