Confusing Thoughts

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Jolting up from the bed I gasp throwing my hair in my face. Feeling my chest hearing up and down rapidly. Clutching my hands into fists I hear Shaw's voice ringing through my head. Tossing the covers I run down the halls needing air so I burst through the nearest door dropping on my knees into the grass. "Someone with your power will wipe out the world." He spoke into my head where I press my hands over my ears, wanting to block out the nightmares inside my head. "You're a monster. They'll never accept you." Squinting my eyes closed I press my face into the grass groaning. Lifting my head up I see a statue near me so I get to my feet, feeling my powers wanting to break through. Raising my hands I just scream shooting bright golden light towards the statue. It suddenly gets exploded into a million pieces with my hair blowing against the wind.

Shaw steps back admiring his work in front of him. My body is hooked up to a machine that will track the strength of my power at least that's what he tells me. "Let's begin, Ms. Deerfield. This machine will shock you and everytime you release a pulse of power. Then the table will write down the strength level." I try and break free but I feel a small zap through my body that makes me bawl my hands into fists wincing. The dial marker on the other machine starts writing down numbers. "Please...stop!" I cry out but he doesn't move just turning up the power higher. The needles zapped my veins harder and I scream releasing energy into my hands into fists. This goes on for hours until my head slumped to my shoulder and a guy untied me where my body collapses into his arms. "Put her with the boy. Their abilities are fueled by anger and pain. We will need them for my final plan." Shaw informed the guard when my head falls backwards and I see darkness too tied to keep my eyes open.

Throwing my hands the other direction I lifted the ruble into the air throwing it across the yard. Glancing up I see the moon is full tonight with the wind howling in my ears. "The world will lock them back up anyway." Throwing my head back I spin on my feet levitating some of the flower pots smashing them against each other when I screamed. "You're good, there's good inside you I can see it. You just are afraid to let it through because of what you've been through." Dropping to the mud on my hands and my knees I choked hearing another voice fighting against Shaw's inside of me. "Charles..." Blinking away tears to clear my vision I see a blury figure standing on the grass in front of me, where my hands gripped the wet grass shrugging to tell if he's really here or not. The figure walked forward bending down on a knee to me but he doesn't raise his fingers to his temple like he would if he was trying to read my mind. "I've been down this road myself, Aurora. When I was a child I thought I was going crazy. Hearing thoughts in my head. I even thought they were trying to break my mind." I feel tears falling down my face where I croaked lowering my head in between my arms. "I'm not good, Charles. It's only a moment of time before I snap - the word can't love someone who's a weapon!"

"Lisen to me, Aurora. You're not a monster. That's what he wants you to think but he's wrong." The vision of Charles grabbed my shoulders making me finally look into his eyes. Shaking my head quickly I feel the znaps of energy from the lab still inside me. The bottom of the destroyed statue lifts up behind me and I clutched my eyes shut wanting the pain to disappear. Like the other things I have destroyed it blasts to pieces scattering across the large lawn. "Shaw made me a monster...I don't know if there's someone else to break through...anger and pain is the only thing I know!" I sobbed through tears until he shook my shoulders needing me to hear his words. "You're not a monster. You are still human like everyone else. You didn't kill those men because you didn't want to. So just calm your mind. Let me in and I can help you. I won't let you lose control, Aurora. Latch ontop my voice." He pleaded with those blue eyes. Blinking my eyes opened I don't see him in front of me until foosteps ran down the stairs.

"Rora, it's okay. I've got you." Erik forced me into a hug where I collapse into a long sobbing mess. He gets on his feet wrapping his arms around my body, burying my face into his chest I feel my breathing breaking. There's another pair of foosteps that was on the grass so I looked up slightly seeing Charles standing there with a heartbroken expression on his face. "Charles came and found me right away. Lisen to me baby. I'm here for you, I won't let you go back to that man." Erik mumbled into my hair softly running his freehand through it. In the hopes that it would calm me down like it would when I was sixteen years old. Charles lowered himself to his knees in front of us where I could hear only his voice inside my mind. "Just breathe in and out slowly, Aurora. I promise to help you through this. But remember this here and now, you're human in my eyes. You're human and always will be." He lowered his hand from his temple stumbled backwards when I flung my arms around his neck still crying. He softly hugs me back rubbing circles on my back. "Help me, Charles...I don't know what to do..." I begged clutching the fabric of his shirt. He kissed my hair just holding me against his chest whispering in my ear. "I've got you, love...I've got you Aurora." Erik watched you two starting to trust that Charles could be the one to help you better than he could.

Comments really appreciated :)

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