You're from the Future?

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Hearing loud roars through the house wakes me up from my nap in my room. I struggle to get out of the bed since I am 7 months pregnant. Charles and I had been trying to have a child years after the school closed. A year ago we managed to finally get the two pink lines. Walking down one of the staircases I see a man I didn't recognize laying on the floor. Then Hank is hanging upside down on the chandelier. Foosteps entered the room seconds after where I saw Charles carrying a glass with alcohol in it making me glare at him slightly. He started drinking when I had a miscarriage but I know the main reason was because he failed his dream of opening a school. "Professor, Mrs. Xavier?" The stranger asked where I twirl some loose hair. "We're not married, sir." Charles pointed his index finger holding the glass up. "Get off the bloody chandelier Hank!" He flipped off landing on his feet now turned into full beast mode that hasn't happened since Cuba.

"Who exactly are you?" I questioned walking down the stairs creating some gold energy from my left palm. The stranger has dark brown hair and eyes. He raised his hand showing bone like claws appeared outside his skin. "I'm Logan and you're Golden Flare. Some call you Rora" Raising my brows at him I don't recognize that name so why would he call me that. "Why are you here?" Charles sniffed wiping his nose sitting down at the end of the stairs. Logan glances between us both replying. "I was sent here for you from the Future-" I cut him off twirling hair between my fingers with a sarcastic tone. "You're from the you're not bluffing?" Charles shakes his head holding his clear glass in both of his hands. "Tell whoever it was who sent you that - I'm - we're busy." Logan fought his sentence with a correction. "Well that's gonna be a little tricky. The person who sent me was you and her. 50 years from now." Charles and I finally glanced to one another with pure confusion written on our faces. Time travel isn't possible even though mutants exist. "Like in the future 50 years from now?" Charles started laughing and I joined him resting a hand to my forehead.

Logan nodded his head yes as an answer shoving his hands in his jacket pockets. "If you had your powers you'd know I was telling the truth." Charles parts his mouth opened and I closed my eyes entering a small part of the man's mind seeing death and war. Shaking my head I sniffed back some tears. "I know you too, Aurora. You were experimented on by Sébastien Shaw from a young age and the only way to calm your mind is by releasing all of your powers at once." Whipping my head around to Charles he takes my hand in his giving me a silent nod. He's the only person I had ever admitted that too. Nobody else knew about my releasing trigger except him. "Alright you've peaked our interest. What do you want?" He asked Logan intertwining his freehand with mine, taking a sip of his drink. "We have to stop Raven." Hank slowly returns to his human form and I stepped off the last step feeling the baby kick against my belly lightly. "What does she have to do with this...meaning the future?" Logan gives me a weak look rubbing the back of his neck answering. "She's the creation of the war."

He started explaining that Raven's ability to turn in her blood was used to hunt down all mutants. Sitting on the couch resting my hands on my belly Charles refills his glass coming to sit beside me. "So what they took her power and weaponized it?" Logan nodded yes in reply. "They were just targeting mutants. Then they began targeting everyone. Even the humans who would have children and grandchildren. I've been in a lot of wars." Running my fingers through my hair I lean back into the cough feeling Charles drapes his arm over my shoulder. Laying my head on his shoulder he kissed my hair when I spoke up. "So you're looking Erik aren't you. Because he's - he's not the man who saved my life anymore." I chuckled getting pulled to my feet by my boyfriend who pulled me up the stairs until Logan called out again. "You're just gonna give up!" Charles rolled his eyes pulling me upstairs and into his bedroom. He rummaged through drawers finding the serum and some gauze. Leaning in the doorway I cross my arms over my chest looking at the carpet sadly. "Charles, when the baby comes will you stop taking so much - you know cut the alcohol back possibly?" He doesn't lift his gaze injecting himself in his left arm. Once it's all gone he sits it on the table staring at a picture of his sister. She's in a bar smiling his direction holding a drink in her hands.

"Aurora I - a child deserves a father who can-" I cut him off stomping over to his chair. Resting my hands on either side of the armrest of his chair eyes locked onto his blue ones. "This child has a wonderful father and that's you. How many times must I say you don't always need to take the serum. If it's about the voices I get it, Charles.." Grabbing his hands in mine I squeeze them making him give a weak stare back to me. "I have them too remember. Shaw's voice tormented me for years until - till I met you. And once you said that you would do anything to prove your love to me. Drop down on one knee with my mother's necklace to propose or wait until marriage - which we obviously didn't but I-" He cuts me off bluntly cupping my face in his right hand tears in his eyes. "You love me, still love me?" I could hear the shaking in his tone when asking the question. It was rare for us to openly admit we loved each other. It was like this special moment if we heard the other ever say it. Wrapping my arms around his neck I climbed into his lap where he grunts from the new weight. His other hand resting on my hip so I don't fall off. "Yes, yes, yes I still love you. Charles nothing in this world could make me stop. Not even you being an we owe it to ourselves, to Raven, to...our child to stop the war." He buried his face in the crook of my neck mumbling. "I'll do it for you and for our baby."

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