Breaking into his Prison

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Shoving a baseball cap on my head I followed Logan and Charles into a stairwell of the Pentagon. Hank was in charge of knocking out the cameras and Peter, Logan's friend. With super speed was to break Erim out from his glass prison. "When exactly did you meet me in the future, Logan?" I asked opening the door seeing a bunch of security people in the kitchen room. Charles holds his hands up trying to talk them into leaving. Logan knocked them out not having the patience. "If I told you that it wouldn't be as interesting." Charles bends down grabbing a key card for the door admitting softly. "I'm not very good with violence." Seconds later the door dings opened showing Erik and Peter standing in the doorway. "Charles." Is the only word Erik got to say beg he punched him square in the nose. He stumbled backwards holding his nose on the floor. "Good to see you too, old friend." Erik's eyes went wide eyeing me up and down so confused. "Rora, are you...pregnant now?"

Stepping around Logan I offered him my hands pulling him up from the ground with a few grunts. Dusting my hands on my pants I tilt the hat up so I can see his face. He hasn't changed from the last time I saw him. But he was the man to kill JFK with a bullet wound to the head. That's how he ended up inside this place. "A lot happened when you left us on the beach in Cuba, Erik. Raven asked me to look out for her brother. Speaking of her where the hell is she now?" He taps the side of his head shrugging his shoulders. "Take a look and you might find her." Charles pulled my arm putting me behind him as the two former friends stared intensely at one another. "Lisen here, Erik. We wouldn't be here if it wasn't completely necessary. Now we need to get out of here, on my terms. No killing either of you." He glanced over his shoulder back at me sternly. Crossing my arms over my chest Erik taped his head. "No helmet. I couldn't resist even if I wanted to." Charles growled clutching his hands at his sides. "I'm never getting inside that head again. I need your word Erik."

The door opened again where all of us turned around seeing security guards aiming their guns at us. Erik demanded to Charles who shook his head no. "Freeze them, Charles." He then glanced to me where I raised my hands in the air. I start to freeze them with my mind but someone zoomed past me freezing us all in our place. My eyes managed to move around the room seeing Peter using his speed to move the bullet so they wouldn't hit us. He turns some officers so they would hit each other. He finally came back unfreezing everyone and I rest my hands over my mouth cracking up in laughter at the scene before me. Dropping to my knees a little I hang my mouth opened in awe seeing Peter smiling back. Walking up to him I squeeze his shoulders proud. "That's awesome, kid." He grinned even bigger before Charles hollered back at us. "Aurora. Peter, let's go!" We looped arms following after the boys until we were planning to get on an airplane.

"Have you figured out the gender yet?" Erik asked sitting across from me on the airplane while Charles was talking to Hank who flies the plane. Looking out the window I don't answer him immediately just focusing on the view before me. "No we don' took a few tries before I got pregnant. So we decided to wait until the baby is born. But that's not what you're really asking about are you?" He leans back in his seat resting his chin in the palm of his right hand. "I'm not angry about you leaving on Cuba. I just thought we were - that we had the others back Rora." Clutching my hands into fists on the table I glared towards him. "That changed when you wanted to kill people. Erik, if we joined you then I probably would have gotten experimented on again. I refuse to let this baby live that life, whether it is born a mutant or not!' Charles entered the room sliding into the booth on my side creating more intense silence between the three of us.

Charles reached underneath the table squeezing my hand in his intertwining them together. His blue eyes fixed onto Erik who is now looking at the chess board sitting in front of him. "When did you last see her?" Charles trailed off in question about Raven. Erik picked up a piece starting to play the game. Charles leans up taking his turn afterwards. "In Dallas." I twirl some of my hair entering the conversation eyeing Logan who was asleep in his seat near us. "How was she?" Erik shrugged his shoulders pausing on the answer for a moment. "She was - strong, fearless, determined...I could see why she meant so much to you. I'm sorry she left." Charles reached over moving his piece across the chessboard, growing back to the man. "She left because you got inside her head!" Erik rolled his eyes taunting the Telepath. "That's not my power...when did you lose them?" Referring to his powers and his legs. "The treatment for my spine affects my DNA." Erik lifted his gaze. "You sacrificed your powers so you could walk - and sleep with the girl I consider to be my sister?" Charles shakes his head no and I squeeze his hand lightly smiling to him. "He sacrificed them so he could sleep...with or without kids I'll care for him." Erik parts his lips filling the plane with silence once more.

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