Hope Must Live On

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Hank opened the front door but Charles stumbled down the stairs until I grabbed his arm struggling to hold his weight. Lowering him down near the stairs he pants watching Logan give us a confused look. Charles grunts entering my mind like he did long ago. "You heard a new voice didn't you, Aurora.?" Taking his freehand in mine he pants heavily making me be able to feel his struggling mind. "Charles, look at me. Just try and calm your mind." He shakes his head releasing some tears out in the process. "I can't  - I just can't Rora. It's too much - I'm not strong enough anymore." Hank entered the room with the dose he asked for handing it to him. Logan and I shared a look of disapproval until I turned my boyfriend's head making him look me in the eye. "Love, what in the blazes are you doing?" Charles asked clutching onto the vile in his right hand. "Don't do it, Charles. You're stronger than this." He shakes his head no until I demanded resting his forehead against mine. "Look into my mind, Charles. Look for the real you."

"Just breathe in and out slowly, Aurora. I promise to help you through this. But remember this here and now, you're human in my eyes. You're human and always will be." He lowered his hand from his temple stumbled backwards when I flung my arms around his neck still crying. He softly hugs me back rubbing circles on my back. "Help me, Charles...I don't know what to do..." I begged clutching the fabric of his shirt. He kissed my hair just holding me against his chest whispering in my ear. "I've got you, love...I've got you Aurora."  Opening my eyes I see tears in his blue eyes. Lifting my hand up to his cheek I run my fingers through his knotted hair whispering. "I need that man. The man who believes in Hope. That's who the world and our child needs." He closes his eyes dropping the vile burying his face into my chest mumbling to Hank. "Help me to my study please." Hank and I both helped him into the old wheelchair that was abandoned to a closet. "Are you sure about this, love?" Charles shakes out in breathe when I intertwined our hands. "Yes I am. Remember for our child." He responded back through my mind. "For our child."

Charles pressed the joystick on his chair rolling it down the hallway ending at the door with the blue x on it. The computer system scanned his eyes opening slowly. Hank started flipping switches before he put the helmet on. Grasping his hand in mine I entered his mind feeling his nervousness. "I'm right here the whole time." He closes his eyes immediately grunting as all the red dots of mutants appeared around us. Charles grunts louder until the power got knocked out. He removes the helmet throwing it burying his face in his hands. He spun the chair around leaving the room until Logan admitted who was supposed to be sent. "It was supposed to be you. But I was the only one who could physically make the trip....a long time from now I was your most helpless student. So look into my mind both of you." Charles and I glanced to each other both nervous. I gulped playing with my shirt never going into someone's mind all the way except for Charles. "Logan, it's too dangerous...my mind isn't strong enough." He glares at me grabs my hand resting it to his head anyway. Charles raised two fingers to his temple entering his mind beside me.

Opening my eyes I sat up on a table beside my boyfriend. He glanced around a different room seeing an elderly man sitting in a wheelchair. Tilting my head to the side I saw a woman with blonde hair that has some grey colors in it looking directly at me. Charles slides off the table resting his hands on the wheelchair of the elderly man in shock. "Charles?" The man spoke his name smiling my direction. "Charles. Hello young Aurora." Raising my hand I slowly waved back walking over to the woman that has to be my future self. Looking around the room I don't see a child anywhere which she noticed right away. "She didn't make it through the war. The sentinels...they managed to get to her...I'm sorry Aurora." I felt tears slip out and my future self started crying more wiping them away with her sleeve. "You must prevent this future...to save our child...she is the hope we hold onto, my past self." Glancing the direction of my boyfriend he shakes his head in disbelief to his future self. "You're afraid, I remember.. it's your pain you're afraid of. That pain will make you stronger. Their pain comes from the most human power, Hope. Charles, we need you to hope again." His future self explains watching me and my future self friend the corner of his eye.

Blinking my eyes opened I wipe away tears rushing to Cerebro with Charles rolling behind me. Grabbing the helmet I put it on instead of him. "What are you doing, Aurora. It's too dangerous for you." He tried to stop me but I grab his hand resting his fingers to his temple for him. "Help me control it. Help me find her, Charles. I - we don't deserve to lose anyone  - our child." He started to respond but sees the seriousness in my eyes so he just closed his eyes entering my mind. The image that appears is Raven in an airport boarding a plane. Taking control of an elderly woman beside her I spoke. "Raven, we're at the house. Killing one man will start a war. They're will only be more created after him." She gets to her feet walking away scoffing like Erik. "Then I'll kill them too, Aurora!" Charles sighed wanting her to stop seeing her push through people. "Those are Erik's words. You don't have to be like him...I was tortured but I don't want to kill anyone." Raven stopped flipping her hair gasping when Charles managed to physically project us in front of her. "Someone has to step up and take the chance Aurora. If you or Charles won't then I will. He's murdered too many of our kind, it's what he deserves."

"We know what Trask has done. But killing him will not bring them back. It will set you on a path of no return. But we can stop him right now, you and I. You just have to come home." Charles begged her squeezing my freehand in his where i could hear his voice breaking a little. "I have to. You haven't changed at all, Charles. Like I said I know what I need to do." Raven stood her ground wearing a black dress and hat with her blonde hair human form. Stepping in front of Charles form to her I bawl my hands into fists still horrified what might happen to our unborn child someday. "Raven, I told Erik that I didn't want my child to live a war. But now I have just learned that my - our child dies. If this horrible future comes true I don't think I can handle that. So please I beg you don't kill Trask." She blinked out some tears hearing my words but doesn't say anything. Charles comes to stand by my side in a brave stance to his sister. "Then wherever you go Aurora and I will find you. And Raven, if you make me I will stop you." She lifted her head walking through breaking the link between us. Removing the cerebro helmet I gave my boyfriend a determined look that he almost mirrored about. "Get the plane ready, Hank. We're going to Washington D. C."

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