Aurora Xavier

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Today is the day. The day I marry the love of my life. Charles Francis Xavier. Laying baby Hope down in the crib allowing me to start twirling around in my dress. Instead of wearing a white dress I decided to buy a light blue dress. That being my wedding dress with my hair completely loose. Raven had returned to the school only for today. Erik still remained off the grid from us. Hank had been creating a lab and some gadgets inside the school. Twirling in circles I still can't believe that this is happening. Even when Charles asked me in the hospital I didn't. The second time he asked me to marry him was on the grounds of our soon to be school. I'll remember that day perfectly just like the day our daughter was born in Washington DC.

"Charles where are we going?" I asked sitting in his lap while he rolled the wheelchair onto the grass lawn. He turned the joystick to a stop. Letting me get to my feet and sit on the picnic blanket. It wasn't the first time we came out here underneath this tree. Charles shifted in his chair taking my hand in his gently. "Aurora, I love you. You know that already but I will tell you everyday for the rest of our lives. When we met I hadn't known love yet. You always questioned if you were human and you are. You and little Hope are my life now. Alongside us starting the school." He reaches into his pocket revealing the ring that he showed me at the hospital. "I've already asked you but I'll do it again. Aurora Deerfield will you marry me?" Throwing my arms around his neck I kissed him immediately where he grins slipping the ring on my finger. "No matter how many times you ask. It will always be yes Charles." He kisses my cheek mirroring my smile.

Someone peaks into the room making me stop twirling making me gasp suddenly at who stands before me. "'re really here?" Tears started falling down where I try to not mess up the make-up Raven had done for am hour. He closes the door sniffling tears out himself taking my hands in his. "I made a vow to myself that if you ever got married. I would walk you down the isle since your parents can't be here." Suddenly I ran forward throwing my arms around his neck hugging him gently. He rests his chin ontop of my head wrapping his arms around my waist. We might not be related at all but we consider each other siblings. "I'm gonna miss you Rora. Now how is the little angel doing?" He smiled quietly walking over to little Hope. She is cuddling with tiny bunny rabbit in her arms. "You can hold her if you want." I suggested where he raised a brow at my statement. He slowly lifted her up cradling her in his arms gently. Little Hope yawned stretching her arms and legs out giggling up to him. "She's still perfect as the day she was born, Aurora." He hands me back to her where I layed her back down because Raven would be up here in a minute to watch her during the ceremony for us.

The wedding was designed to be small since we weren't sure how the world would react to mutant marriage and everything. Hank had found a way to legally preform the ceremony for us. Looping my arm through Erik's we walked down the main staircase rounding a few corners until we got to the outside doors. He paused glancing down at me making me raise a brow. "What is it?" He gives me a proud smile kissing my forehead. "Charles is good for you. You've got nothing to worry about...I don't need to be a Telepath to know what you're feeling Rora." He pushed open the door with his power walking me down the white carpet that ends underneath Charles's favorite tree in the whole yard. We pause so Erik could give Charles a thought to which my soon to be husband replies. "If we have another child we might consider calling them that." Using my power I entered Charles mind. "What did he ask you?" He responded back making me chuckle out loud. "If we would name a boy Erik junior." Erik squeezes my hand in his giving me one last kiss on the forehead then placing my hands in Charles. He decided to stay in the wheelchair but for the brief honeymoon I'd let him bring some of the serum so he could walk plus among other things.

"We are gathering here today to witness these two wed as husband and wife. Charles and Aurora have decided to write their own vows." Hank gave us the floor to speak with Charles giving me a nod to go first like a gentleman. "Charles, when I met you and Raven I didn't trust anyone. I believed what an evil mutant man told me. That I was a monster to the least until I met you. Charles you have the biggest heart for anyone I've ever seen and you want to help so many people. Just like you help me so I can't think of another man I'd want to marry." Charles wiped away tears smiling up at me squeezing my hands in his. "Aurora, I hadn't expected love until I met you. I had never met a girl who thought she was broken but in reality she's amazing. That's what you are love and I promise that everyday you will see that about yourself. So there's nobody else I want to call my wife." Raven steps up where Hank took the rings from baby Hope's hands before she tried eating them.

Hank gives us each a ring before turning to ask me first. "Aurora do you take Charles Xavier to be your husband?" I slip the ring on his left hand grinning down to him. "I do." He then asked Charles who slipped the Dimond wedding ring on my left hand slowly. "Charles do you take Aurora Deerfield to be your wife." He replied to his friends question. "I do." Bending down to his level I pressed my lips to his slowly. Charles cups my face in his hands kissing back until I climbed in his chair. He moves one arm around my waist holding the other against my cheek when we broke the kiss. "It is my honor to introduce Mr and Mrs. Charles and Aurora Xavier." Erik and Raven started clapping and cheering with little Hope giggling in the background. Wrapping my arms around his neck I lay my head on Charles's chest sighing in relief. "I love you, Charles Xavier." He kisses my hair tilting my chin up so I'd look him in the eye. "I love you too, Aurora. And I must say Xavier sounds good on you." Laying my head on his chest again I knew our next step in the future was the school. A school where our daughter could be who she truly was. A school where mutants like me wouldn't have to hide who they were anymore.

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