Let Training Begin

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This morning Charles got everyone up earlier to start training for when we would face off against Shaw. Pulling the grey sweatshirt over my head I lean on my elbows staring off into the fields until someone comes to stand with me. "So what exactly did I walk into the other night. Did you kiss my brother?" Raven said kinda of load so I shoved my hands over her mouth seeing Charles on the lawn talking to Erik about not challenging himself enough. Shifting my eyes back to hers I mumbled under my breath. "Ssshh. No I didn't - I mean we almost did. But keep your voice down." Lowering my hands I bite my lip getting suprised when she throws her arms around my neck in a hug. I break the hug seeing that she's still smiling. "Nothing happened between us, Raven. Plus he can't like me - my own mind plots against me everyday." She intertwined my hands with hers, giving me a weak smile. "I think you're mistaking my brother for someone else. He won't break your heart. Oh, I should set you guys up together." She squealed jumping up and down until Charles called my name. "Aurora, it's time for your training!"

"I've noticed that you and Erik believe that you can't use your powers without pain or anger. But I think there's another emotion locked inside." He pointed towards a statue that was at the end of the driveway. "See that. I want you to lift it in the air and bring it down here to us, understand. Good luck, remember I'm in here." He tapes his forehead stepping behind me when I take a breath. Raising my hands in front of me I concentrate on lifting it up in the air. The statue slowly rises in the air but I drop it when I try and bring it towards us. "Urgh. See I need the fear and anger to do anything!" Throwing my hands out in front of me I scoffed back to the professor. He strides up resting a hand on my shoulder making me look into his eyes. "You're thinking too much, dear. Just close your eyes and calm your mind. Come on, try again." I do as told raising my hands again forgetting that his hand is still on my shoulder. Levitating the statue again I turn my hands around actually bringing it right in front of us, dropping it lightly in front of our feet. "That's my girl. Well done." He pats me on the shoulder causing me to blush at his word choice but luckily he doesn't notice going to get Hawkie ready to practice flying from the giant satellite Erik moved earlier this week.

Standing by Erik's side Banshee wears a suit with wings that should carry him since he has the power of screams. Charles glanced my direction right before Erik gently pushed the young boy off the ledge. "Erik!" Charles and I screamed in unison causing me to raise my right hand about to use my power until the boy started screaming. In fact his screams carried him off the ground and he does a few tricks cheering. "Woohoo!" He flies down past us grinning blowing my hair in my face. Holding my hair back I smiled watching the kid cheering through the sky. Charles and Erik both watched you, overjoyed to see an actual smile on your face for probably the first time ever. Erik finally made eye contact with me where I raised a brow up to the man. Charles clearly mirrors the same look because Erik just chuckled to his friend. "What. You know you were thinking the same." Covering my face with my hands I shake my head still smiling that he actually pushed the kid off a satellite.

"Raven, where are we going?" I asked when she opened mh bedroom door pulling me up from the bed quickly. The President had made an announcement about a plan where the Russians would attack Cuba to start World War III with the US. So Erik instructed us all to get a good night sleep because tomorrow morning we would face off against Shaw. Before she came in I was trying to control my mind with the little tricks Charles had taught me so I don't have an episode during battle tomorrow. Apparently Raven has other ideas than resting for tomorrow because we ended up outside Erik's door where she starts to turn the doorknob. "Woah wait. What if he's in there." I throw my hands over my eyes but she just gives me a glare answering once opening the door. "He's playing Chess with Charles. They will be back later. So go wait in the kitchen he likes to have tea before bed." Before I could get another word out she was pushing me towards the kitchen, closing his door with a hopeful grin on her face. Throwing my head back I slump my shoulders muttering under my breath. "Raven, what are you getting me into..." Either way I go to the kitchen making myself some hot chocolate sitting on the couch in the main living room of the cough. Watching the stars in the night sky lost in my thoughts, for once aren't controlled by Shaw but instead by Charles Xavier.

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