Chapter 23

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  "Please, let me see and apologize to her," my grandma said through the front porch screen door.

  "That baby is due is six days Mom and you have hurt her almost as bad as Dan has," I flinched at my aunt mentioned my dad. "I can't jeopardize Abby's health, or her baby's."

  "Don't you say his name around--"

  "Grandma, Aunt Lacey; please stop," I said, standing up this time with much difficulty; I knew I would have to end it, or they would rip each other to shreds. I walked to the door, smelling booze on my grandma, she smelled like my dad did the night he hurt me. "Go home," I said quietly.

  "Excuse you?!" she roared at me, her eyes ablaze with hate.

  "You smell like my dad on the night he raped me," I said, causing all conversations to stop. "I love you Grandma, you're the only person who knew and took me in when I found out about my baby. But, I don't want things around me that remind me of him; especially alcohol. I don't know why you drank yourself drunk. but this isn't the grandma I know; nor the grandma that I want my daughter around. I'm sorry," I concluded, not having enough courage to look anyone around me in the eyes.

  My grandma sniffed, and I noticed that she had tears in her eyes; then she just fell to her knees. My aunt sighed and picked her up by her elbow and lead her into the house. Now that my room was done, I wanted nothing more than to be there...especially now. "Mom," Aunt Lacey said, "I apolo--"

  "No, she's right. Ever since Christmas I have been drinking myself drunk, and I have had at least two drinks a day since Abby was standing on my doorstep all flustered and...and broken," my grandma said, I was now begining to tear up; but not from her words. Her smell, the alcohol was chocking me.

  "You're killing yourself Grandma," I said, holding my breath the best I could.

  "I have just lost so much lately, I came to apologize."

  I nodded," I accept your apology."

  She then continued to talk with aunt, about random crap; and eventually the smell became too much for me...I got sick. With much trouble I got up from my seat on the couch, ran past the fridge that I had left open when my grandma sowed up, and to the bathroom. And just when everything had come up from my insides, I was engulfed in black.





  My eyes shot open, I looked at my arm and noticed that I was hooked up. What happened? I was alone in my room which I found odd, why was I alone? I held my breath and pressed the nurse button, my mind still a little foggy; and soon she came in. "Abby, so glad to see you're awake!" she exclaimed, smiling wide.

  I looked at my tummy, I was still pregnant. That I was thankful for, but why in the world am I in a hospital? "What happened?"

  "Your mind played tricks on your body, the scent of your grandma's booze sent your brain into a panic; causing your body to act in a state of paranoia. Your Aunt found you only a few short minuets later," she explained.

  "How's my baby? Is she okay?"

  "She's just fine, you didn't stop breathing."

  I let out a sigh of relief, "where is everyone?"

  The nurse looked away, "talking with Doctor Honor."


  The door opened and my aunt ran up to me, with extended arms. "Oh Abby! You're awake!"

  "Yeah," I shrugged.

  "That's so good to hear," Doctor Honor said, following the nurse's need.

  "Hello," I waved.

  "Abby, we decided that it would be better to keep you here and at the hospital on bed rest until your baby arrives," she told me lightly.

  "Please no," I begged. "Put me on bed rest at home, at the least."

  "Abby-" Karson began, I never even noticed that he was in the room. He looked flustered and tired, almost too tired to function.

  "Hospitals remind me of death and pain," I mumbled.

  "I'll think about it. But we do want to keep you over night for observation, " she said pointedly.

  I nodded, "yes, that's expected."

  She nodded, "since you're well, I am going to go check on my other patients. Take care, I'll be back in a few hours," she smiled, and left.

  I closed my eyes, more tired than anything. "Abby, how are you?" my aunt asked.

  "Tired, really tired," I mumbled, almost too incoherent to understand.

  "Could you open your eyes long enough to talk?"

  I opened my eyes to see her looking at me, "what?" I asked.

  "Are you okay?" she asked me," you had us so worried," she gestured to herself and Karson.

  "I'm fine Aunt Lacey, I don't even remember what happened, honestly."

  "Well, I hope it doesn't happen again,"Karson said.

  "Aunt Lacey, can you give us a minute?" After she left, I looked at Karson. "Why do you look like someone just died?"

  "Because," he said, sitting in a chair and leaning back, closing his eyes.

  "Get some sleep, I need some too," I closed my eyes.


  I was coming back to my senses again, and was about to open my eyes; when I noticed the warmth in my hand become tight, then loosen. Then, I heard the two most important people in my life talking; it was a hushed conversation, so I just stayed quiet, enjoying the warm feeling in my hand. "You really love her, don't you?" I heard Karson ask, from the side of the room.

  "Yes," he said, squeezing my hand tight.

  "Thank you for that, before she met you she always worried that no one would love her. You know, because she was a pregnant teenager. But you fell in love with her before she told you about her baby."

  "I would never hurt Abby like that, Karson. I know I sound like a lovesick, idiotic teenager, but I really do love her. I don't love her for her "fame" I guess, I love her because she is smart, funny, sweet, kind, considerate, gorgeous, and she cares about everyone and everything no matter their situation."

  I smiled to myself, and said the same words, "I love you too Ian."


Hello! So, I was thinking, I will probably do a sequel to this! But, I still want to hear your opinions! So, what do you think?(:

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