Chapter 28

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 "You did it," Ian said, smiling down at me, and I noticed his eyes were watery. 

  I laid my head back on the bed and closed my eyes, "You did it Abby," my aunt said. She looked about as crazy as I felt, today had been an exhausting day; after 6 hours of labor, I had just given birth to Anabelle. Her eyes were red with exhaustion, her messy bun was even messier then normal, and she was simply wearing sweat pants and t-shirt...her way of being comfortable for hours.  "I am going to go tell Karson the good news," she smiled, and turned to walk out the door.

  I nodded and looked at Ian, "thank you Ian."

  "I love you Abby," he said, kissing me on the forehead.

  "I love you too Karson," I mumbled.

  "Abby, as soon as these papers are signed, you get all the sleep you need," Dr. Honor said, coming into the room, holding papers. "It's for the singing of her name and her parents," she didn't look up, but instead set the papers on my side table and brought out a pen from her pocket.

  I sat and comfortable, with Ian's help of course. I wrote my name down for the mother of the baby, I wrote  my father's name dad for the father of the baby(which I hated doing), and then I looked at Ian. "Remember that conversation we had this morning, about the baby's name?" Ian nodded, "do you remember when you said Renee would be a good middle name?" He nodded again, "you're right, I do think that Renee would be a great middle name."

  His eyes lit up like I have never seen before, "you let me pick her middle name?"

  I smiled, and wrote on the paper: Anabelle Renee Kirk. I loved the names Anabelle Renee together so, that made me smile; it just quickly faded when you added the Kirk part. "There," I handed Dr. Honor the paper work, "it's all signed."

 She double checked just to be sure, then looked at Ian. "Ian, if you don't mind, Abby needs some sleep," Dr. Honor smiled at him, and lead him out the door. "Get some sleep now, Abigail."


  I was proud of Abby, more then proud of her, she had just delivered a baby. I could tell she was happy, so happy that it brought tears to her eyes, I knew Abby made the right decision in having and keeping Anabelle. I followed the doctor as she led me to the waiting room where Lacey and Karson were gushing over baby Anabelle, and I took a seat beside Karson.

  "Hey man, how is she?" Karson asked me, looking my way. His eyes showed nothing but pure joy, despite a tiny bit of worriedness; he was technically an uncle now, so it's no surprise that he is so happy...or worried.

  "She's on cloud nine, Karson. She signed all the birthing papers, and when she put her father down her whole mood altered, but only for a second. Afterwards, the doctor excused me so Abby could get some sleep, considering she hasn't gotten any all day," I replied. 

  "What's Anabelle's middle name? And what did Abby put down for the last name?" he bombared me with questions.

  I sighed, "she put her last name as the baby's too, and she let me pick the middle name; it's Renee. So the baby's full name is Anabelle Renee Kirk."

  "Thank you," he said. "For not only being there for her, but for loving her and Anabelle. You have no idea how hard it was at first to listen to her say no one wants a pregnant or teenage mother as a girlfriend, to listen to the way she would put herself down all because of one thing that happened to her in her past. But you were there for her," Karson concluded.  

  "I wouldn't be anywhere else," I say with confidence, looking at the entry door. I noticed someone dressed rather slyly, like he was doing something he wasn't supposed to be; then I saw his camera. Without thinking, I jumped out of my seat. "He's got a camera!" I yell at the security guards who managed to get to him an instant.

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