Chapter 11

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So, because it was Monday, I had planned on going to school and having a wonderful day because of my weekend with Ian.

But boy was I wrong...

I was stuck at home, by the toilet...with morning sickness. Which was odd for me, because I hadn't experienced it yet; and I still wished I hadn't. It made me feel worse then when I had fought with my grandmother, which we still hadn't made up...

When I had a break from my Puke-A-Thon, I decided to look myself over in the mirror. I definitely had a baby bump by now, and being all emotional, I started to cry. I knew this was going to happen and was happening; but still, only being 15 you are so hesitant to let or even want it to happen.

Karson was watching me today to like take care of me, so I called him to the bathroom. I turned to look at him, making sure my tummy was visible. "Honestly, how big do I look?"

"A little far along, but not too bad. How are you feeling?"

"F..fine, my breath smells worse then feet."

He chuckled, "well, we have mint--." He was cut off, by me having to lean over the toilet again. "Maybe that's what making you sick, that's what made my mom sick when she was pregnant with Tonya."

I nodded, "I hate this," I flushed the toilet, wiping my mouth with toilet paper.

"Sorry you're so unhappy--"

"I'm not unhappy, I'm just moody." I shrugged, asking for his help to get up. He helped me up and I walked out of the bathroom.

"You're baby bump, it's actually kind of adorable."

I laughed, laying myself down. "That means everyone is going to know about this, I am not sure I'm ready for that."

"Abby, it's going to happen no matter what. And besides, you're one strong women; you will be able to be okay with this."

"Do we have any strawberry toothpaste?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Maybe, but just in case, I'll go get some," he grabbed his keys. "Will be able to get some sleep?"

I nodded, "hopefully."

"Bye Abby, be careful," and he left the house.

I closed my eyes, and began to slowly get to sleep. Just as I was about to go to sleep fully, the doorbell rang. I rolled my eyes, ignoring the bell to the best of my ability.

It happened again.

So, going against my better judgement, I got up of the dang couch and answered the door. There, stood my grandmother; which made me sick all over again. I covered my mouth and ran to the bathroom, hearing her footsteps behind me the whole time. "Abby, are you here alone?!"

"No!" I had to pause, "Karson is just going to get me some toothpaste." I glared at her, "he just left, I was supposed to be asleep."

"I want to apologize, without the press, or the people, and do this right."

"Last time you tried to do right to, Nana," I frowned.

She chuckled, "Abby--"

"I would love to be back home and in my bed, not on this couch...but I really don't want hear it. Not now anyway, I just want some sleep." I laid back down, closing my eyes.

"Abby please, just listen to me."


  "Because your dad left you this," he handed me an envelop that read "Abigale," on it, and I knew that writing from anywhere.  

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