Chapter 5

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  I decided just to ride the bus, if I called aunt Lacey she would probably have Karson take me, and it wasn't his  job. And I could not deal with my grandmother right now, I was still mad at her for her suggestion. I never looked at Karson that way, ever. He was just someone to be there for me, to care for me, since my family was still crazy.

  I sighed as the bus pulled to a stop, and I go on. I went to put my money in the jar, when the bus driver stopped me. "Abigale Kirk, right?" I nodded, "you don't have to pay, it's on the bus."

  He laughed at his joke, causing me too laugh too. I took the first available seat, ignoring all of those around me. Soon, the bus was at my stop, and me and six others got off...some more hastily then others. I looked at up at the big hospital, I hadn't been here since that day...

  I went up to the desk, and told them my name. She gave me an odd look, and told me to wait for my doctor to call my name. I sat and waited until I heard, "Abigale Kirk." Slowly, I got up and went to the nurse. I got my weight, I had gained five pounds since last time, which I guess was healthy. She took my height, blah blah blah. She then sat me in a room, dead quiet and lonely. I got on the bed and she told me to wait for my doctor, so I had too. I looked around, studying the room. 

  It was your typical room, white and magazine stuff, with the stuff for an ultrasound in the back corner. There was a knock at the door, "come in."

  And to my surprise, in walked Karson. "Abby, we need to talk."

  "I...why are you here?" I was amazed.

  "You need someone with you Abby, and I'll be that someone today."

  "But, what about Aunt Lacey and grandma, and--"

  He shrugged, "none of that matters to me."

  "I apologize for grandma, I don't look at you that way."

  He nodded, "don't worry, I don't blame you."

  Just then there was a knock at the door, and in walked a women; with a long coat. "Hello, Abigale."

  "Dr.Honor, you know to call me Abby."

  The doctor sat down, looking the both of us over. "Who's this?"

  "He's my cousin, his name is Karson...he's here for support."

  "Support? What's going on?" She was honestly curious, she didn't know that...she had tested me that very day.

  "I know you tested me that day, and it said I was negative; but I...I am pregnant." Gosh, that was hard for me to say; to admit.

  "Are you sure?" She asked me, stunned.

  I nodded, "you're only the third person to know, so please do not tell anyone yet. I scheduled this appointment so we could check up on it, I want to make sure it's healthy."

  The doctor nodded, "I understand."

  "Karson can stay," I told her, "he's the only one here for me."

  I saw Karson smile at my words, "I understand completely, Abby."

  "What does this mean,  for me?" I asked, I had to know.

  "Well, that you're going to be going through a lot within the next nine months."

  "Ca...can we do and ultrasound?" I asked, hesitant.

  "Of course!" the doctor exclaimed, "go ahead and lay down, lift your shirt up to your the bottom of your chest." Nervously, laid back, shirt up. She rubbed a cold gel all over my stomach, and I shivered, she laughed. "Yeah, it's very cold." I nodded, looking up at the screen. "Do you that there?" she pointed to a big part of the image.

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