Chapter 6

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   Yay, it was my first day of school. My nerves were sky rocketing, my palms were sweaty, and I felt sick. Not only is it the first day of school since my..."incident" but it was also my first day of high school. I was so nervous, instead I shook my head, and made my way towards the mirror. I decided to curl my hair the night before, so my hair had loose curls in it.

  It was really cute, so I put on my makeup, the lighter smokey eye and lip gloss. I then made my way to my closet, examing my clothing options. Puckering my lips, I let my mind wonder over the outcomes. Going away from the closet, I went to the mirror to examine my baby belly. It was slight, kind of like the little pudge over jeans...and compared to my old body, this was like noticeable to me.

  I huffed, this would be my least favorite thing about being pregnant is the weight gain, but hey; what women doesn't think that? I decided to wear an old soft ball t-shirt with jeans and my converse, I then examined myself. I thought I looked adorable, so smiling I went down stairs. And to my amazement, I saw an omelet. "Hm!" I exclaimed, I could feel my eyes getting wide with anticipation.

  "Are you ready for your first day of High School?" she asked, smiling.

  "Yes, I guess so. I'm just glad the press is finally leaving me the heck alone," I said, sitting down. They hadn't come by me in a while now, they hadn't talked about me and my actions in a week or two.

  "Me too, it was aggravating them even following us to the store!"

  I nodded, looking at the time, school started later now, and ended earlier...I loved that. "I am really nervous, Nana."

  "Nana, you haven't called me that in such a long time."

  "Since before Mom died," I added, smiling as she set my plate down in front of me.

  "She was a good women, and a great mother."

  "I hope I can be just as good as her when this baby comes."

  I decided weeks ago that I was going to keep the baby, and raise it up until it can raise itself. "Of course you will Abby, and on top of that, you have Karson, me, Aunt Lacey, and even your cousins to look out for you."

  She had apologized to me that same day for what she had said about Karson, and I forgave her...I couldn't stay mad at her. "I am a little ashamed for them to see me like that."

  "Don't be, you could control what happened to you, the kids know that."

  I sighed, pushing my plate away, I had suddenly lost my appetite. "Nana, I am sorry."

  She looked at me quizzically, "for?"

  "Being me, I know you're probably ashamed of me."

  She came to me, looking me in the eye. "No, baby. I am not ashamed of you, I love you;" she kissed my forehead.

  I stood up, beginning to slide my backpack on. "You taking me to school?"

  "Yes, and if your backpack gets to heavy for you--"

  "Nana, I will be okay, I have a top locker and like about three books," I told her, exasperated.

  She nodded, grabbing her keys and we made our way to her car. I slid in, extra careful, I was suddenly feeling like even the slightest touch could hurt my baby. "I have some pills to give you in case you get sick while at school."

  I nodded, I've had morning sickness only a couple of times during my pregnancy, my Nana keeps telling me I was lucky, that her and my mother both had it horribly. "Okay, thank you."

  "If something happens you don't like, just tell me and we'll be getting you a home school teacher."

  "Nana, I will be just fine," I said as she pulled into the drop line at the high school.

  She looked at me, "gosh, I don't understand how Lacey does this with her kids; I bet I'm as nervous as you." She laughed, hugging me close when she got in the drop off lane, "be good Abigale."

  "I will Nana," I pulled back and unbuckled, then got out of the car. I shut the door and started walking towards the front doors, then I heard the whispers. People were realizing whom I was, what I had been through; and now they were talking. I held my head high, knowing this would be one of the things I was just going to have to get over deciding to go back to school.

  Then I thought how stupid I was, going back to school and being pregnant. It's not like people won't think I'm an idiot and talk, and--"Abby?" I heard his voice ask.

  Smiling, I looked to where it came from. And of course, there he stood. "Hey Ian," I responded, smiling.

  "How have you been? It's been like a few weeks." he smiled, leaning up against the locker beside mine.

  I opened my locker, and began putting stuff in and out. "I've been pretty good I guess, you?"

  "Pretty good, nervous I guess."

  "You? Nervous for school?"

  He laughed, "why so shocked?"

  "You don't strike me as the nervous type."

  He smiled, "that's a good thing, right?"

  I laughed, "yes, a very good thing," I sighed, wishing I could be that way.

  "That's good," he smiled.

  "Aren't you afraid hanging out with me will hurt your reputation?"

  He shook his head, "of course not, I'm not worried about that."

  "You're just about the only person I know who feels that way."

  "Do you feel that way?"

  I shook my head, "I'm just worried about getting through the next six months."

  "What's happening in the next six months?"

  I could feel my cheeks go read with embarrassment, "nothing, just a lot going on."

  He pull up to where he was no standing, he did that just as the bell rang. "See you later Abby?"

  I looked at him, "see you later Ian." He left then a that moment, I assume to go to his first class. I shut my locker and left to, to go to my first class, which was English. After searching and searching the English hall, I found my classroom. I entered the door just as the bell rang, and I could feel everyone's eyes on me.

  "Okay class, everyone take a seat," said the teacher. I took a seat in the front of the class, ignoring my fellow classmates. "I will be your teacher for today, my name is--" he stopped dead in his tracks once he laid his eyes on me. "Um, I--"

  I rolled my eyes, if this was gonna happen in every class I wanted to go back home. "I will be substituting in for my wife today, sh...she recently got sick. Anyway, my name is Mr.Ross. And, for your first assignment, my wife and I agreed that all of you are to write at least a one page report over your life up to this point." That made me angry, "except for you, Abigale. You don't have too--"

  "Excuse me?!" I asked hateful, I was angry of course. "Just because of what happened to me, does not mean I want to be excluded from everything. I am going to do this report, and I will be the first one to present it tomorrow!" I stood up, hearing my name whispered lightly. There he was, Ian was right there in my view. Shaking my head full of embarrassment, I picked up my stuff and left the classroom, not caring that I would probably get in loads of trouble for this.

  But I didn't want special treatment, I wanted to be just like everyone else. 

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