Chapter 27

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  In exactly one day, I would be "Momma", and I would be a new woman. I would no longer be that fourteen year old who grew up in a horrible past, I would be the fourteen year old girl who turned her life around and made it better, the girl who turned good out of bad; but a girl who had a past. I wasn't going to run from that, I was never going to deny it, everyone has past, I just chose to move on and get a fresh start. That's what everyone should do, restart and move's better for everyone.

  That's what I was thinking when I opened my eyes, after attempting to get some sleep. I just couldn't, I was too excited for the next day...and I wasn't the only one. My aunt had me moved upstairs to the spare bedroom, both her and Uncle Marshall had taken today off of work, Karson was able to get off at noon, and the kids were staying the night at my uncle's brother's house. His name was Clayton, he wasn't blood related to me, because my uncle was married into the family. I met him once, he was really nice.

  "Abby, you're awake!" My aunt exclaimed, happy to see I had finally "woken up".

  "Aunt Lacey, I never went to sleep. I can't sleep," I said, tucking my hands together under my cheek, and looking out the window.

 "Are you in pain, is that it?"

  I shook my head, smiling at her. "No, I'm too excited to get to sleep."

  "That is exactly what your mother kept saying," my aunt laughed. "She would have to have someone rub circles on her belly to calm down enough to sleep."

  I raised an eyebrow, "no thank you, that's too weird."

  "She's not joking, she seriously did that to her sister. It was the oddest thing, she had to do it several times in the delivery room while we were waiting for her to be dilated enough to have you," Uncle Marshall said, pouring something into a cup. "Do you want a glass of water?"

  "No, I want something...sugary," I laughed. "Will someone help me sit up please, I hate laying gives me a headache."

  My aunt laughed, and help me sit up. "Do you want a coke?"

  "No, I want a Dr.Pepper."

  She laughed, and looked at my uncle. "We both love you oh so much Marshall," she winked at him.

  He rolled his eyes playfully, "fine, I guess I will. Do you want anything sweetie?"

  She nodded, "a big cup of coffee."

  He laughed but nodded and left, I looked at my aunt. "I want a marriage like that."

  "Like what?" she asked, amazed a my statement.

  "Like you two. You guys have like five kids, and still love each other and find time for each other, along with all your kids; including me and my upcoming one. Every time you two look at each other, you can see the love between you too. You guys have been separated for seven months, and I think you guys are closer now than before. You two still love each other like little kids, you still manage to have fun, yet be adults at the same time. And I haven't seen you guys fight in...I can't even remember the last time I saw or heard a fight between you two. It makes me so jealous, it's the kind of marriage I want."

  She smiled and laid a hand on mine, "when the time comes, it'll happen. Besides, I'm pretty sure all that's waiting is a ring."

  "You mean Ian?"

  "Yes, he is a great guy Abby; and a rare one. He loves you, and you love him...there's no doubt in my mind that you two are going to marry each other in the future. Besides, he gave that ring on your finger...that's a promise ring."

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