Chapter 29

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  I smiled down at the baby in my arms, she was sound asleep but she looked so peaceful and happy. "Motherhood suits you," my uncle said, looking away from the television to me and Anabelle.

  "Thanks, but it's not even been forty-eight hours," I smiled, but couldn't help but get a happy butterfly feeling in my stomach.

  "Trust me, Abby. Would your aunt and I have five kids if I thought motherhood didn't suit anyone in your family?" I busted up laughing then, and he did the same. "No, I'm just kidding. I love your aunt, we had all of our children because we are in love; and we wanted to add to it."

  I smiled wider, "I assumed so."

  "Abby, can I have a serious conversation with you?" he asked, muting the television.

  "Sure, I don't see why not."

  "Can we talk about what happened, to you?"

  I gulped, "you mean last summer?"

  He nodded, "I'm not tring to make you feel bad, or to bring those memories up; but you are my niece. I love you Abby, and because I was gone, I don't know what happened besides what Lacey told me."

  "Uncle Marshall, it was just a bad experience. I have come to terms with what happened, I'm not as scared anymore, but that doesn't mean I feel comfortable talking about it. It's a hard thing to do, to talk about how my own father raped me;" I mumbled, looking back at Anabelle. "Even if I did get the best thing out of it."

  Uncle Marshall nodded, "I understand, I just want you to know that when or if you need someone to talk to, I am here."

  I smiled, "I know."

  There was a knock at the door then, and soon Dr. Honor was standing in front of my bed. "Well, I see that you are up and active, the smile on your face is priceless, I don't think you've ever smiled so much." She waved her hand, shoving the subject away. "Sorry, I'm just a bit chatty today, there isn't much to say with my other patients, I'm not as close with them as you." I wouldn't personally say we were close, but I guess we were decently close for a doctor-patient relationship. "Anyway," she smiled, taking notice of my sudden thinking mode, " I came to check your signs, along with Anabelle's; to see if you guys can go home now."

  "Oh, home. I never thought I would miss it this much, but I miss the girls; my bed, everything." I giggled, as the doctor went to clipboard. "How is everything?"

  "Things look great, actually. If you want, Abigail, we can check you and Anabelle out," Dr. Honor smiled, Marshall, just follow me.


  "Welcome home Anabelle," I said quietly, opening the front door and stepping inside.

  "Welcome home!" My family yelled, but in a hushed tone, careful not to disturb Anabelle. I looked around, everyone was here. Tanner, Karson, my aunt, my uncle(he took me home), the girls, Ian...and Cristen.

  My heart fell to my feet quickly, why did Karson invite her? I mean I know that they are dating, but that still doesn't explain why she had to be here...when Anabelle and I got home. I put on a fake smile, trying to hide it from Ian, but he saw instantly, and saw right through my act. He cleared his throat and I looked at him, we exchanged a knowing look, and I truned to my aunt. "Can I show Anabelle around?" She nodded, and I began walking around the house. "This is the living room...this is the dining room...this is the kitchen, don't go in here without Mommy..." I kept going, showing her all the rooms downstairs, she didn't need to see upstairs. I stopped when I got to the door that lead to the basement, and that led to mine and Anabelle's rooms. "Karson, help me?"

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