Chapter 13

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 Ganyu gets ready for work with a smile on her face, She fixes up her hair in the mirror to make sure she looks decent. Make sure her house is clean before going out.

When she arrives at work she sees the purple light that is Keqinq happy to see its bright glow.

She checks in while greeting the other secretaries that she passes by.

One of her coworkers' waves as she goes to get her paperwork

"I hope you had a good weekend, Lady Ganyu!"

She smiles at Beanu while gathering her work to get started.

"I had an amazing weekend I hope yours also went well."

"It was good I won't keep you from working just wanted to say hi!"

Ganyu takes her pile to her office and sets it down on her desk.

She glances at the purple glow that is next to her office and wants to go to her mate.

But first, she needs to start her paperwork.

Knowing she has to do her job before she indulges her instincts she sits down and begins to work.


Ganyu is concentrating on her paperwork when she hears a knock on her office door, without even looking up she can tell it's her mate. It's so easy to sense Keqinq now she furrows her brow in confusion at this fact, but she brushes it off since it must be related to the bond.

"Ganyu, I have some paperwork for you to sign. May I come in?"

"Yes, you may."

Keqinq walks in with the paperwork in hand and closes the door behind her, her mate's scent makes her involuntarily let out a purr as she approaches.

At the sound, Keqinq gives her a fond smile and sets the papers near an empty spot on her desk.

"This is for approval for better weapons for the Millieth, Ningguang asked for signatures from the ones that work under me."

Ganyu reads over the papers nodding in understanding and signing each part that was required of her.

She can feel Keqinq's eyes on her as she finishes writing, she looks at her mate who stands nervously shifting from one foot to the other.

"Can I kiss you?"

She almost feels the bond between them urging them to be closer.

The least she can do is listen to it just for a moment.

Without answering she brings their lips together in a slow savoring kiss a thought crosses her mind as she feels her mate's warm lips.

I want my scent on her...

She begins to rub her cheek on both sides of Keqinq's as soft purring sounds from her throat she doesn't realize she is rubbing the bite mark she left on her mate.

Keqinq lets out a content hum as she hugs Ganyu she was surprised they were careful not to mess up the paperwork on the desk.

Once Ganyu is out of her happy bubble she blinks as she is reminded of where they are.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to keep you here!"

Keqinq smiles to reassure her.

"It's ok Ganyu it was lunchtime when I came to see you. Speaking of lunch we should go get food can't continue working on an empty stomach."

She looks at the clock and see that Keqinq was right it was ten minutes past twelve.

"Oh sorry, I must have lost track of time when I was working."

Keqinq chuckles whiles taking Ganyu's hand.

"It's no problem we have time to go get lunch, Would you like to go to the Wanmin Restaurant they are having a discount lunch special going on for a couple of days."

Ganyu smiles at the warmth between them as they touch and Keqinq guides her around the desk.

"Yes, I would love to!"

They both leave to enjoy their lunch break together.

An Adeptus' Instincts (Ganyu x Keqing  Genshin Impact Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now