Chapter 14

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 It was strange how good she felt being with Ganyu she couldn't get enough of her.

After eating their lunch they were now holding hands while walking back to their workplace.

The warmth from the contact is comforting, she hasn't felt this kind of comfort before it makes her want to keep it forever.

The urge to touch Ganyu can be overwhelming that's why she asks to kiss her to hold her hand even if she is not always into public affections.

It's hard to question this feeling when it feels so good to have.

They walk hand in hand as they return to their workplace, she only lets us go only when they are at the entrance.

"Thank you for coming to lunch with me, I will see you later."

Keqinq gives her a peck on the lips lingering for a moment at the tingling on her skin she feels whenever they touch. She sees the blush Ganyu and the shy smile she has.

Ganyu then leans in to rub her cheek on Keqinq's neck before letting out a small purr.

It's really cute.

Ganyu backs away and shows a warm smile.

"Have a good rest of your day."

Separating they go to their own office to continue working.


Keqing is signing paperwork when she gets a knock on her door.

"Lady Keqinq, May I come in?"

It was Mei another secretary, from what Keqinq remembers the woman works closely with Ningguang.

"Yes, you may enter."

Mei opens the door and immediately begins to speak.

"Ningguang would like to speak with you, If you would please follow me."

Straight to the point huh?

Keqinq nods put her paperwork down and get out of the chair to follow Mei.

They walk to the lone office door that is far from the other offices that have Tianquan's name on the door, Mei stops in from of it knocking twice.


At that Mei opens the door and steps aside so Keqinq can go first.

After they both step inside the office Mei bows to Ningguang in respect.

"Lady Ningguang I have brought Lady Keqinq as you asked."

"Thank you Lady Mei you are dismissed."

Mei leaves leaving Keqinq and Ningguang alone, Ningguang gestures to one of the chairs in front of her desk.

"You may sit, Lady Keqinq."

Keqinq sits waiting to hear what Niggiiis called her here for.

Ningguang takes the drag out of her pipe as she begins to speak.

"First I would like to say you have done great work so far as the new Yuheng, I hope you will continue to do so."

Keqinq nods but keeps a neutral expression to not show how happy that makes her she learned never to express too much emotion in a business meeting with her parents.

"Now let's get down to business I would like for you to go on an expedition with a few of the Millieth, there are some supplies I would like to get stocked up on.

It's not the first time she has done an expedition but it's her first time leading one with the Qixing

She nods to Ningguang in confirmation.

"I will get the job done."

"Good, I will give you the details in a report tomorrow. You will go through with the expedition on Wednesday, you're dismissed."

An Adeptus' Instincts (Ganyu x Keqing  Genshin Impact Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now