Chapter 15

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A/N: This one is short but I'm going to update another chapter later today consider this part 1.

 Keqing begins to prepare for her expedition.

Before she started to prepare for Wednesday she told Ganyu that she will be gone on that day.

"Will everything be alright?"

Ganyu asks while hugging Keqinq like she didn't want her to go.

But it should be a simple mission nothing she hasn't dealt with before by herself, This time she has a team with her to help out.

"Yes everything will be fine it's not the first time I've gone on an expedition and the Milleth have the experience to do a great job."

Ganyu nuzzles her shoulder as she backs away.

"Alright just be safe."

When the day arrives to go Keqinq packs her gear and meets some of the Milleth at the entrance to Liyue.

"We are ready, Lady Yuheng."

They are also in the standard gear for exploring the region with their backpacks, climbing, and collecting all attached to their person.

She nods.

"Let's move out!"


They spent a few hours searching and getting stock ready for transport.

Traveling to one of the marks on the map Keqinq felt tired all of sudden.

Like something was feeding off their energy.

She makes a signal for the group to stop so she can make sure everyone was alright.

"Can you feel that?"

"Feel what, Lady Yuheng?"

They don't notice the feeling of slowly losing their energy.

"I do-"

Suddenly multiple mages come out of the darkness.

"Protect the Yuheng!"

She tries to fight back her body feels numb before she knows it everything went dark.

An Adeptus' Instincts (Ganyu x Keqing  Genshin Impact Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now