Chapter Two

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An hour later the five of them were on the road and headed to the cabin. Dustin rode with Nancy in her car, Robin with Steve in his car and Jonathan in the van. It was only a half hour drive but to Steve it felt like the longest drive of his life.

Robin was rambling on about something but he wasn't really paying attention. The tight feeling in his chest was still there and he was eager to get rid of it. After what felt like forever Steve saw the Hawkins sign that told them to 'Come Back Soon' and he breathed a sigh of relief. After 5 minutes he turned down a dirt road and followed it down to his new home. He noticed that flower pots filled with all kinds of different flowers had been placed all around the porch. Probably Nancy, he thought to himself. He wasn't great at taking care of himself let alone plants so they wouldn't last more than a week at most.

He pulled up beside the house and parked, waiting for the others to arrive. Steve must have been driving faster than he thought.

"Steve? Steve! What is wrong with you today?" Robin asked worriedly, poking her best friend in the arm a few times to get his attention. She noticed he hadn't said much all morning and was starting to worry as it was so unlike Steve. He hadn't exactly been fine but he had been handling everything pretty well. Better than any of them. But Robin was starting to realise that maybe her friend was just pretending.

"What? Nothings wrong, Robin. I promise."

Robin rolled her eyes before turning to fully face him. "Cut the crap, dingus. El would be mad if she knew you were lying. Remember, friends don't lie!"

"Okay, okay! I've been having nightmares. Most of the time its about the bats and when they were attacking me. Sometimes its you, me and Nance being strangled the death," Steve spoke quietly, leaving out the nightmares he sometimes had about Eddies lifeless body. "Only Dustin knows but thats because he heard me screaming a few nights after everything happened."

"You know you could have told me, Steve. We are best friends and after everything we have been through together you should know by now that I'm always here for you." Robin said as she pulled Steve into a side hug. It upset her to know he had been suffering in silence this whole time.

"I'll be okay, Rob. I just wanted to be there for everyone else. I thought that if I occupied myself with helping others it would keep my mind off of everything."

"And did that work?"

Steve moved out of Robins arms and looked down at his hands, fiddling with his keys. "Obviously not."

Before Robin could say anything the sound of other vehicles filled the air and the others came into view. Nancy parked up beside them while Jonathan turned the van around and backed it up towards the front door.

Dustin was first out of the cars and the first to reach the front door. He knocked five times in a specific pattern. A pattern the six of them had decided on after they managed to get Eddie out of the upside down and into a safe house. A few moments passed before he heard a distant knocking from inside. Dustin smiled and opened the door, running straight to the second bedroom at the end of the hall. He swung the door open and his smile widened.

"Henderson!" Eddie exclaimed as he slowly sat up in bed, careful not to rush himself and cause himself any pain. He was still recovering even after two months. Even though his injuries had been severe he had somehow managed to stay alive and was slowly healing. "I've missed you, man. I've been going a little stir crazy here."

Dustin made his way to the bed and sat down beside Eddie. "But you've had Robin amd Nancy to keep you company."

"I know and I appreciate that but they're not you, dude. Nancy made me watch chick flicks." Eddie said, pulling a disgusted face. He wouldn't admit he kind of enjoyed them.

Recovery - Steddie ♡Where stories live. Discover now