Chapter Seven

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Steve froze, looking like a deer caught in headlights. The two men stared intensely at each other for what felt like ages but in reality it was only a few seconds before the silence was broken.

"We can pretend last night never happened, man," Eddie spoke softly, breaking away from Steves gaze. "I don't want you to feel uncomfortable around me."

"What do you mean make me feel uncomfortable?" Steve frowned, suddenly feeling confused. "Do you really think I'm going to think you're a freak for crying in front of me?"

Eddie stared down at his feet, not knowing what else to say.

"Or is this about the fact I comforted you and we fell asleep like that?" Steve wanted Eddie to know he didn't regret it nor did he feel uncomfortable about it. It was actually quite the opposite.

"Why would you not think I'm a freak? Everyone else does!"

"Eddie! I'm not everyone else. I'm your friend and I see past what everyone else sees. Robin, Nancy and Dustin see past all that. Hell, Dustin saw past it before any of us did! You're not a freak." Steve raised his voice as he started to get upset. "Do you really think that low of me?!"

Eddie suddenly felt guilt bubbling up inside of him. Seeing the hurt in Steves eyes was like a shock to his system. Never in a million years did he think King Steve might care about him. "I'm sorry, Steve. I... I'm not used to this. I'm not used to people caring about me."

"Well you better get used to it, man. Because you're stuck with me now whether you like it or not!" Steve said a bit more aggressively than he intended. He squeezed past Eddie and went to the fridge to pour them both a glass of orange juice. Eddie accepted the juice, looking sheepishly at his friend. "As for where I was, I just needed to speak to Robin about something."

"When I realised you weren't home I did panic a bit. I thought you had freaked out over what happened last night and I have to admit, Harrington, a small part of me thought you wouldn't come back."

"There's nothing wrong with two friends comforting each other, Eddie." Steve realised he wasn't ready to tell Eddie how he felt. He wanted to get to know the guy first and feel it all out. He wanted to be sure Eddie felt the same before he made any kind of move. "Now, I have a phone to set up and I actually have no clue how to do it. You wouldn't happen to know, would you?"

Eddie smiled at his friend and slowly made him way over to the other side of the kitchen. "You're in luck, Stevie boy. Get the phone and I will work my magic!"

While Eddie got to work in setting up the phone Steve sat at the kitchen island and watched him. They made a little small talk and Steve smiled to himself whenever he saw an intense look of concentration on Eddies face. He liked the way Eddie tongue poked out while he worked.

Once the phone was set up Eddie made an excuse to go back to his room. Before he left the room he felt Steve place a hand on his shoulder and he spun round to face him.

"I was thinking, wanna go for a walk later? It would help get some strength back into your legs."

"Yeah, man. I'd like that. Are you sure no one else will be around?"

"No one from Hawkins will be around. Barely anyone ever leaves that place! Besides, I think there might be a lake nearby," As soon as the words left Steves mouth he froze and mentally slapped himself. "Wait, nevermind the lake. I don't think I'm ready to go near a lake yet."

Eddie gave his friend a sympathetic pat on the back. "A walk is just fine! Like you said, I need to get some strength in my legs."

They shared one last smile before Eddie made his way to his bedroom and Steve walked over to the phone and dialed Robins number.


"Hey Rob, it's me!"

"Stevie! Tell me everything! Did you kiss yet?"

"Jesus Christ, Robin! Shhhhh!" Steve whisper yelled down the phone, taken aback by the question.

"Don't tell me you chickened out, please. Steddie needs to happen!"

"What the fuck is Steddie?" Steve continued to talk quietly, not wanting Eddie to hear anything he said. Even though Eddie was in his room he was still paranoid.

"It's Steve and Eddie mixed together. Duhhh!"

"Okay, I'm going to stop you right there. Firstly, no I didn't talk to him about anything we discussed. I just don't think now is the right time."

"Give me one good reason why you shouldn't tell Eddie how you feel right now!"

"Because, Robin, we have only lived together for a few days. Before this the most we talked was in the upside down. We barely know each other!" Steve peeped round the corner to make sure there was no sign of Eddie. "I think I want to get to know him first and feel everything out. Nancy and I rushed into things. I don't want to do that this time. Eddie is different."

There was a pause but Steve could tell Robin was grinning. "I understand, Steve, but even though you barely know much about him you can't deny there is a bond there. A bond that we both know has been there since we saved Eddie from the demobat attack."

Steve sighed and leaned his head against the wall. He knew Robin was right and that his feelings had slowly been growing over the past two months but he still didn't want to rush into anything.

"I promise I will speak to him about it soon. Like I said, I just want to get to know him more first."

"Okay dingus. But if you don't make a move soon I will get involved and you don't want that."

She was right, he really didn't want that. Steve and Robin chatted for a little bit longer before hanging up.

                     _______  ♡  _______

After he had made a late lunch for him and Eddie he went out and did a parameter check to make sure no one was around. Once he was sure no one would be walking around he went back to the house and helped Eddie out the front door and down the porch steps.

"Hey Steve?"

"Yeah dude?"

"I think I want to leave my crutches here. Try and walk without them."

Steve nodded and took the crutches, making sure Eddie was stable before putting them in the house. He jogged back down to Eddie and wrapped the mans arm around his shoulders. "Okay but if you fall you had better not take me down with you, Munson!"

"Aw, you're no fun!" Eddie grinned as they started to slowly walk into the woods.


I'm totally winging this story to be honest, haha! I have an idea of where I want it to go and what I want to happen but I don't want to rush into it all. Hope you are enjoying!


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