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One Year Later

Steve and Eddie sat on a bench overlooking the beach, enjoying the colours dancing over the water as the sun set above them. Families had packed up and left a little while ago which left the beach almost empty. This had easily become their favourite time of day since they had moved. Max was staying at a friends house so they had some quality time to themselves.

"Wanna go for a walk along the shore?" Steve asked, getting up and holding out his hand for his boyfriend to hold. At this time of day they were able to truly be themselves without judgement as this was also the time of day others like them would come to the beach.

Eddie didn't hesitate to take Steves hand and follow him down to the sea. They kicked their shoes off and held them in their free hands. "This is still so surreal to me. We definitely made a good choice to move here!"

Steve grinned and nodded. "Definitely the best decision. Do you think Max is happy here?"

"Of course, Stevie. It's not like we took her away from everyone. We moved miles away and the shits literally followed us." Eddie chuckled. He stopped and threw his shoes onto the sand as far away from the water as he could and then he grabbed Steves shoes and did the same.

"What are you doing?" Steve asked, confused. His question was soon answered when he was lifted up into the air by his waist and twirled around. Although he wasn't in the air for long because the pair toppled over and hit the ground, sand flying everywhere. They looked at each other before bursting out laughing. Eddie had sand all in his hair and half of Steves face was covered in it. Steve propped himself up on one elbow and grabbed Eddie, pulling him a hug.

After a few moments they pulled apart and Eddie got up to dust himself off. Once he was done he looked up and was surprised to see all their friends gathered nearby. Somehow they had all sneaked up without the pair noticing. He turned to ask Steve if he knew why they were all there but when he did the look of confusion on his face turned into one of shock.

Steve was no longer covered in sand but he was still on the ground. This time, however, he was down on one knee with a small, royal blue velvet box in his hands. Eddie felt tears start to build up in his eyes as he looked down at the love of his life.

"Eddie, from the moment we met I felt a connection to you. You were unlike anyone else I had ever met. Your life got turned upside down and yet you were willing to risk it all for Dustin and the rest of us. You, Eddie Munson, are incredible. You are my rock, my home and my better half. I know we can't legally get married but will you do me the honour of wearing my ring? Will you promise to be mine for the rest of our lives?" Steve choked on the last part, holding back tears that threatened to fall. He had been rehearsing his speech for weeks but he didn't think he would get this emotional. He waited for what felt likes hours for his boyfriend to reply when, in fact, it was only a few seconds.

"Fuck yes! Of course I will, pretty boy!" Eddie exclaimed, finally letting his tears fall. He watched as Steve eagerly put the ring on his left hand and then pulled him in for a passionate kiss. He felt Steve smile into the kiss which made him smile too. They pulled apart as their friends started to cheer loudly. They both turned to the group, both letting out happy sighs.

Life had never been better and whatever challanges they faced along the way, they would face it together as one big family.

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