Chapter Eight

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The sun was shining brightly in the sky but it wasn't too warm and there was a nice breeze flowing through the trees. Steve and Eddie walked in comfortable silence for a while before one of them decided to speak.

"How are your legs feeling?" Steve asked, coming to a halt and lowering his friend down onto a big rock.

"Definitely feeling better than they have done. Not as weak but I think I'm going to have to work my way up to long walks."

"Well we have only been out for 10 or so minutes but we can head back if you'd like?"

Eddie shook his head before pushing himself up off of the rock. "Nah man, I can go a bit longer." He gave Steve a wink and walked ahead, grinning to himself.

Steve felt himself blush as he watched Eddie walk away. He had to admit he liked the way Eddie would randomly flirt with him.

"Hold up, Munson!" He jogged up to Eddie just as the man started to lose his balance. Eddies legs protested and seemed to turn to jelly. Steve wrapped his arms around Eddies waist and pulled him close before he could fall. Neither of them said a word as they stared at each other, faces just a few inches apart. Steve couldn't stop himself from staring at Eddies lips. The urge to kiss him was strong but he didn't want to make the first move.

Steve was so caught up in staring at Eddies lips that he was unaware that Eddie was also staring at his. Eddie suddenly became nervous and quickly looked away, blushing furiously. He cleared his throat and started to get up, testing his legs to make sure he could walk again. "Thanks, man."

"Yeah, no problem." Steve frowned as he let go of Eddies waist. While he was disappointed Eddie hadn't kissed him he was also a little bit relieved. He was serious when he told Robin he didn't want to rush and he knew kissing Eddie so soon would be rushing it.

"Can we head back? I think my legs are done for the day!" Eddie asked, avoiding looking at Steve. Instead of getting a reply he felt Steve slip his arm around him to support him and they started to slowly walk home. He didn't want there to be an awkward silence so he started rambling on about the first thing he could think of which was music.

Steve was grateful and contently listening to his friend talk about his favourite music and loved how enthusiastic he was about it. He even offered to give Eddies music a try and watched as the mans face lit up.

They got home just as the sun was starting to set and he made sure Eddie was comfortably sat down on the sofa before he headed to the kitchen to start dinner. As he started chopping up vegetables he stared at the back of Eddies head. It had been such a close call back in the woods and he couldn't get that moment out of his mind. How close their faces were, how Eddies lips were so close to his and how good it felt to have Eddie pressed up against him.

He shook his head and smiled to himself as he turned to the stove and started cooking the chicken.

                       _______  ♡  _______

Before Steve knew it two weeks had passed. He and Eddie had continued their daily walks and both seemed to have put that first walk behind them. They mostly spent their days watching movies and playing games. As promised Steve listened to Eddies music and he had to admit he didn't hate it. It wasn't something he would usually listen to but it was starting to grow on him. When a certain song came on he watched the blood drain from Eddies face and had quickly changed the song. That moment was also quickly forgotten when the next song that came on was one Steve actually knew so he had starting singing along to it. Very badly. So badly infact that Eddie was laughing so hard he cried and had to throw his pillow at Steve to get him to stop.

Steve chuckled to himself at the memory as he finally decided to get out of bed and shower. It was currently 8am and Nancy, Robin and Dustin were supposed to be coming over at 9.

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