Chapter Thirty Four

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Steve woke up to banging on the front door. He groaned and slowly opened his eyes, letting them adjust before he turned to look at the clock on his bedside table. It was only 8am so he had no clue who would be knocking at this time of morning. Steve quickly grabbed a pair of shorts off the floor and threw them on before hastily making his way downstairs to answer the door. The noise didn't seem to have woken anyone else up. When he opened the door he was surprised to see Joyce standing there with a massive grin on her face.

"Everything okay, Joyce?"

"I'm sorry for coming round so early but I was too excited! I just recieved papers from Murray! Eddie and Hop can finally start fresh and get jobs!" She exclaimed, holding up a big envelope.

Steve grinned and pulled her in for a big hug, spinning her round as he did so. "That's amazing! Eddie will be so happy!"

They were both so caught up in their excitement that they didn't hear multiple doors opening upstairs. Max and Eddie appeared at the top of the stairs, both still sleepy and confused.

"What the hell is going on?" Eddie asked, rubbing his eyes and making his way down the stairs.

"It's too early for anyone to be that happy!" Max grumbled as she made her way past them and into the kitchen. No doubt to get some coffee.

Steve took the envelope and quickly ran over to meet Eddie at the bottom of the stairs. He opened it and pulled out a very realistic birth certificate along with a passport and drivers license with the name Nicholas Booker. It was everything they needed for Eddie to start fresh. Eddies eyes widened as he took in what Steve was showing him and tears started to form in his eyes.

"You can finally be free, Munson!" Steve cheered as he pulled his boyfriend in for a hug. He pulled away and gave him a quick peck on the lips before turning back to Joyce. Eddie just stood there staring at the identification in his hands.

"Thank you for arranging that for us, Joyce. We owe you so much!"

"You don't owe me a damn thing, Steve. I just want you guys to be able to start fresh. You deserve it!" She said as she pulled him in a for another quick hug. "You've done so much for the kids."

All Steve could do was smile at her. He was so grateful for Joyce and how she had been the mother he always wanted.

"Eddie, honey. Are you okay?" Joyce asked, frowning as she realised he hadn't said anything. He was still stood on the bottom step staring at the documents in his hand.

"I.. I'm free? No more hiding?" He spoke so quietly that they almost didn't hear him.

"No more hiding, Eddie. Or should I say Nick. You are truly free!"

"I'll leave you boys alone to take it all in. I'll see you later, my darlings!" Joyce called over her shoulder as she made her way out the front door and back over to her house.

Eddie looked up from the documents in his hand and he was met with his favourite brown eyes. "I can finally help you pay the bills and buy groceries!"

Steve rolled his eyes but couldn't help the smile that formed out his face. "That's the first thing you think about? Don't be silly. You don't need to help!"

"Steve, all you've done since we met is support me financially. I can't let you keep doing that. Let me help you! Stubborn bastard."

"Okay, fine. But you've never been a burden to me. Not once! I hope you know that." Steve said, pulling Eddie in for a quick hug before dragging him into the kitchen. "How about pancakes for breakfast?"

"I don't know why you even bother asking him that, Mama Steve. You know he is always down for pancakes." Max piped up from the kitchen table where she was sipping on a fresh cup of coffee and reading a magazine. She put the coffee cup down and got up to give Eddie a hug. "Congrats on the freedom! What are you going to do now?"

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