Chapter Fifteen

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             *TWO WEEKS LATER*

Steve and Eddie lay in bed wrapped up in each others arms and placing kisses all over each other faces. It was what they did every morning for the past couple of weeks and the honeymoon phase didn't seem like it was going to end anytime soon. They couldn't seem to get enough of each other. The only time they were apart was when Steve had to go to the supermarket for supplies or when their friends came round to visit which, thankfully, wasn't very often.

Lucas, Mike and Dustin had been over a couple of times just to hang out with the pair and Eleven had visited with Will and Jonathan a few times. Robin and Nancy called every day to check in on them but they were all busy with jobs and school and trying to figure out how to get Max back.

"I wish we didn't have to get up!" Eddie groaned and Steve flinched a little as Eddies breath tickled his neck. "I don't either but this thing was mostly your idea! And besides, Joyce and Hopper will love you."

"You've said that many times but I'm still nervous. From what I heard Hopper used to give Mike a hard time when he first started dating El."

Steve smiled as he remembered Mike telling him how crazy Hopper had gotten. It was typical Hopper though.

"Well only three people coming will know we are together." Steve pointed out. "Even if they did know about us I doubt Hop would be that protective over me. I'm just the babysitter!"

"One thing I am looking forward to a couple more people knowing I'm still alive. And even one of them is in the same boat as me so I have that in common with Hopper." Eddie said happily. He glanced at the clock on the bedside table and groaned. They had a few more hours yet until people came for the bbq. A bbq the kids had suggested and the men had loved the idea. Eddie was the one who wanted everyone there though.

"One thing I'm not looking forward to is not being able to hold you and kiss you infront of everyone," Steve mumbled as he nuzzled his face against Eddies. "It's hard to keep my hands off of you!"

Eddie stayed quiet for a second, deep in thought. He realised he wouldn't mind his friends knowing he was gay. He knew it would be a bit of a risk but he wasn't ashamed of it anymore.

"What if we told them all?"

Steve froze. He turned to Eddie and was surprised to see that his boyfriend was serious. "You wouldn't mind them all knowing?"

"Well, three people already know and they were very accepting. Why not the others? Unless you aren't ready for them all to know about you."

"I.. I don't know. Maybe. Can we see how the day goes?" Steve asked, playing with a strand of Eddies hair.

"Of course we can see how the day goes. But if you do want to then let me know, okay? But for now," Eddie murmered as he begun kissing Steves collarbone, smirking when he heard a small moan from his boyfriends mouth. "We have a couple of hours before we need to get up and ready."

Eddie continued to kiss up Steves neck and nibbled lightly on his ear lobe.

"Plenty of time to have my way with you then, Munson!" Steve growled as he suddenly flipped them over so Eddie was underneath him.

Eddie smirked up at him and wrapped one hand round the back of his neck, pulling him down into a sloppy kiss. His other hand made it's way down Steve body and caressed his dick through his boxers.

Both men quickly removed their underwear and Steve grabbed a blanket and covered them both with it. They were happily wrapped up in their own little world.

                       ______  ♡  ______

Around 10am they finally got up, showered and dressed. All they needed to do after was get all the food ready. Steve had gotten a barbeque the week before but he wasn't very experienced with one so Hopper was going to cook the meat.

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